Saturday, January 4, 2020

Gay Marriage Is The Same Way - 1389 Words

Gay Marriage in America â€Å"Gay marriage won t be more of an issue 25 years from now than interracial marriage is† Jared Polis. This quote, I believe is extremely truthful. Interracial marriage has been legal ever since 1967, that was forty seven years ago. In this day of age interracial marriage is not a big deal. No one really makes a fuss about a black man and a white woman getting married, but pre 1967 interracial marriage was illegal and not right what-so-ever. Black people were lynched for even being near a white woman. So with this in mind, why wouldn’t gay marriage be the same way? To resume, the ban on gay marriage deprives citizens of their individual rights. The ban on gay marriage violates the fourteenth amendment, which states all persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the pr ivileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. Every citizen has the right to the pursuit of happiness and the ban on gay marriage is taking away the right of pursuit of happiness from the homosexuals. In continuum, gay marriage also benefits the common good, or the rest of society. Gay couples cannot conceive babies,Show MoreRelatedWhy Same Sex Marriage Should Be Legal1478 Words   |  6 PagesWhy Same Sex Marriage Shouldn’t be Allowed Why shouldn’t Same Sex Marriage legalized? Number one why would you want more gay couples walking around and getting married? It flat out is just not right at all. No matter if same sex marriage is legal or illegal it will never be okay on any circumstance. Marriage has always been between A Man and Woman not two guys and two girls. Marriage should stay the same, it should not be legalized, they’re just too many wrongs to it and it is not acceptable. TheRead MoreMarriage is the most powerful way for couples to show their love. However, it will be unfair for1200 Words   |  5 Pages Marriage is the most powerful way for couples to show their love. However, it will be unfair for someone to try and negate the rights of married couples. Therefore, all types of marriages including gay marriages should be legalized since couples deserve equal rights and freedom. Opponents of gay marriage point out that it is against God’s laws, but they forget that the same Bible also promotes equality regardless of gender, race and religion. Moreover, if marriage is all about love, then thoseRead MoreThe Legalization Of Gay Marriage1749 Words   |  7 PagesThe Legalization of Gay Marriage: A Step to Equality Imagine a world where heterosexuals are the minority. Straight people would be the ones fighting for the same rights as homosexuals. Same-sex marriages would be average and normal, while straight marriages would be frowned upon and considered unholy in the eyes of religion. Heterosexuals would be denied service at restaurants because of their sexuality, they would be called derogatory names while holding their partner’s hand and most importantlyRead MoreTaking a Look at Same-Sex Marriages1029 Words   |  4 PagesSame-Sex Marriages Over the years, the levels of acceptance to same-sex marriages have risen gradually. On large scale, much of this ‘acceptance’ comes in the form of tolerance. It is now perfectly bearable for heterosexuals to turn show approval of their relatives or their friends procuring gay marriages. After all, it is much easier to put aside one’s distaste to this occurrence, than face the vicious accusations that would follow if they said a word that in the least betray their objections.Read MoreGay Marriage: Why Should We Legalize It? Essay1284 Words   |  6 PagesGay Marriage: Why Should We Legalize It? Gay marriage tends to spark many different opinions in the hearts and minds of the citizens of this great nation. This political issue is usually one that would spark a heated debate between even the closest of friends. The subject description typically spurs intense hatred and anger, even. You would more than likely witness numerous signs picketing this issue whether it may be a revised Bible quote deeming it a sin or a sign decked out in the many colorsRead MoreGays Should Be Legal Contract1290 Words   |  6 PagesGays Should Be Allowed To Marry Calling something marriage does not make it marriage. Marriage is a legal contract between a man and a woman. It is the institution that establishes kinship and relations in the family. Marriage is mostly recognized by a state, organization, religious authority, local community, or peers. Marriage is for procreation, education, the unity, and well-being of the couple. Some say marriage is for two people who love each other and ready for commitment. Nevertheless, inRead MoreEssay about Lets Legalize Gay Marriage872 Words   |  4 PagesLet’s Legalize Gay Marriage Gay marriage is a right. Heterosexual couples are allowed to enjoy all the marriage benefits, so why shouldn’t same-sex couples be able to? Why should other people be able to choose who marries who? If a man and a woman get married, no one seems to care. Gay marriage should be legal because it’s an issue of equal rights, it would save society money, and it will increase the chances for foster children to be adopted into loving families. Same-sex marriage is an issueRead More Equal Rights for All Essays918 Words   |  4 PagesEqual Rights for All Gay marriage has always been a subject of great controversy. Andrew Sullivan addresses this issue in his persuasive essay entitled â€Å"Let Gays Marry.† Sullivan’s essay appeared in Newsweek in June of 1996. Through his problem/solution structure of this essay, Sullivan uses rhetorical appeals to try and persuade the audience to accept gay marriage as a natural part of life. Sullivan, an editor of The New Republic, also wrote Virtually Normal: An ArgumentRead MoreSame Sex Marriage Should Be Legal1144 Words   |  5 PagesGay Marriage There are many issues the revolve around same-sex marriage. Many issues like: Whether same-sex should be legalized and should there be an amendment on same-sex marriage? There are multiple side to view this, but gay marriage but in my opinion gay marriage is socially accepted. it should be legal and it does affect American teens in a broad spectrum of ways. There have been a lot of issues on whether or not same-sex marriage should be legal or not. According to Burns, â€Å" The unionRead MoreGay Marriage Should Be Legal1179 Words   |  5 PagesGAY MARRIAGES Some states such as Iowa legalized gay marriage through the action of judicial interpretation based on the state’s constitutional stipulations while other states such as Vermont legalized gay marriage through legislation initiatives. These cases demonstrate the government is the sole body that can dictate the validity of whatever is to be regarded as a marriage, and in this case gay marriage. The power to validate marriage is still observed among the private citizens, religious institutions

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