Friday, December 27, 2019

My Independent Study On Resilience - 741 Words

In starting my Independent Study on resilience, I have decided to break down my research into three phases; staring with gathering and reading information on the topic. I wanted to begin with a few articles that could provide a brief overview on the subject. The recent death of Nelson Mandela has sparked many remarkable findings about the power of the human spirit. In the article written by Samuel F. Mikail, Never Giving Up: Dimensions of Human Resilience, Mikail offers a very informative overview on what we have learned from research on the nature of individual and community resilience. The article raises one major question; â€Å"How can any human, after enduring such restrictions, beatings, hard labor, and deprivation forgive his oppressors?† Mikail (2014). Dr. Samuel F.Mikail is a clinical psychologist who is involved in the training of psychologists and group therapists in Canada. He has offered consultation and has led numerous workshops on a variety of topics for mental health professionals. Scholars define resilience as the outcome of successful adaptation to adversity (Zutra, Hall, Murray, 2010). Resilience is the ability to recover from adversities challenges in a manner that leaves an individual more flexible and better able to meet future challenges. Resilience involves an ability to react creatively and constructively to change while recognizing that change is an ongoing part of life (Mikail, 2014). Zutra and Hall identify two core dimensions of resilience:Show MoreRelatedThe Science Of Resilience By Bari Walsh974 Words   |  4 Pages In the science of resilience, Bari Walsh defines the meaning of resilience by using Jack Shankov’s definition - â€Å"a positive, adaptive response in the face of significant adversity†. (gse.harvard). Basically resilience is the capacity to quickly recover from toughness of life. 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