Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Evaluation of Information System Factors -

Question: Discuss about the Evaluation of Information System Factors. Answer: Introduction System analysis is used to determine the requirements for implementation of new services in an existing system. In this assignment, system analysis techniques have been used to analyze the requirements of the proposed information system in the hospital. In this assignment, the stakeholder roles have been analyzed for this project and presented in the form of use case diagrams and stakeholder map. 2.2 Stakeholder Duties and Roles Stakeholder Designation Position Responsibilities Health Director Internal Operations Monitoring and control of healthcare related operations Nursing Department Manager Internal Operations Management of nurses and attendants Operations Manager Internal Operations Management of operations Patients External Operations To undergo treatment under a doctor Medicine Vendor External Operations Supply of medicines and chemicals needed for treatment Medical Authority External Operations Implementation of medical policies, rules and guidelines Central Health Department Internal Executives Application of healthcare standards Researchers and Pharmacists Internal Executives To invent new and more efficient medicines Customer Service Manager Internal Executives To address customer complaints and demands Media External Operations To bring unethical issues inside the hospital to public Health Awareness Promoter Groups External Operations To promote healthcare services Identification of Stakeholders The duties of management of the questionnaire will be assigned to the following stakeholders. Health Director Operations Manager Patients The primary motivation behind the questionnaire is to lead a review that will comprehend the overall population sees about the social insurance benefit given in the healing center. Besides, from general society criticism, it can be known whether a few changes are required in the current human services framework or not so as to help the medical procedures of the patients. How would you rate the healthcare service currently available? What do you think about the available technology in the hospital? Would you prefer a new information system in this current setup? The use case diagram is used to depict the use cases related to the proposed information system for the healthcare. In this new system, a new database will be used for storage and maintenance of the patients medical reports for the review of the doctors. Again, after the review of the reports, the doctors will send new treatment requirements and diagnosis reports to the patient through the database. In order maintain security and privacy, there will be a portal for each of the patients, protected with a password system. Only the patient and the doctor will be able to access one portal. The IT system manager will manage and maintain the online database. Fully Developed Use Case Use Case Name: Medical Report Uploads in the Portal Scenario: Online exchange of medical reports between doctor and patient Triggering Event: Sickness of Patient, Availability of Precise Diagnosis Brief Description: The online database system will be created for the interactions between the doctors and the patients. Each patient will have his own portal in the database where he can upload information regarding medical condition, after-effects of certain medications and others. The doctors will receive these files from the database and will also send medication advice and documents to the patient through the portal. Actors: Patients and Doctors Stakeholders: IT System Manager Preconditions: None Postconditions: Doctors Review Flow of Activities: Actor System 1. Submit medical conditions, symptoms. 2. Review the report submitted by patient. 3. Upload diagnosis results and medicine requirements. 4. Review the requirements and apply medication accordingly. 1. Maintain system security. 2. Update security firewall. 3. Refresh the database and the portals. 4. Monitor activities in the server. Exception Conditions: Patients death, no further need for treatment Conclusion System analysis is used to determine the requirements for implementation of new services in an existing system. In this assignment, system analysis techniques have been used to analyze the requirements of the proposed information system in the hospital. The primary motivation behind the analysis is to lead a review that will comprehend the overall population sees about the social insurance benefit given in the healing center. Besides, from general society criticism, it can be known whether a few changes are required in the current human services framework or not so as to help the medical procedures of the patients. Bibliography Ahmadi, H., Nilashi, M., Ibrahim, O. (2015). Organizational decision to adopt hospital information system: An empirical investigation in the case of Malaysian public hospitals.International journal of medical informatics,84(3), 166-188. Bates, D. W., Cresswell, K. M., Sheikh, A. (2013). Ten key considerations for the successful implementation and adoption of large-scale health information technology.Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association,20(e1), e9-e13. Chaudoir, S. R., Dugan, A. G., Barr, C. H. (2013). 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