Friday, December 27, 2019

My Independent Study On Resilience - 741 Words

In starting my Independent Study on resilience, I have decided to break down my research into three phases; staring with gathering and reading information on the topic. I wanted to begin with a few articles that could provide a brief overview on the subject. The recent death of Nelson Mandela has sparked many remarkable findings about the power of the human spirit. In the article written by Samuel F. Mikail, Never Giving Up: Dimensions of Human Resilience, Mikail offers a very informative overview on what we have learned from research on the nature of individual and community resilience. The article raises one major question; â€Å"How can any human, after enduring such restrictions, beatings, hard labor, and deprivation forgive his oppressors?† Mikail (2014). Dr. Samuel F.Mikail is a clinical psychologist who is involved in the training of psychologists and group therapists in Canada. He has offered consultation and has led numerous workshops on a variety of topics for mental health professionals. Scholars define resilience as the outcome of successful adaptation to adversity (Zutra, Hall, Murray, 2010). Resilience is the ability to recover from adversities challenges in a manner that leaves an individual more flexible and better able to meet future challenges. Resilience involves an ability to react creatively and constructively to change while recognizing that change is an ongoing part of life (Mikail, 2014). Zutra and Hall identify two core dimensions of resilience:Show MoreRelatedThe Science Of Resilience By Bari Walsh974 Words   |  4 Pages In the science of resilience, Bari Walsh defines the meaning of resilience by using Jack Shankov’s definition - â€Å"a positive, adaptive response in the face of significant adversity†. (gse.harvard). Basically resilience is the capacity to quickly recover from toughness of life. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Subordinated Characters In A Rose For Emily And A Worn Path

It is easy for a good reader to overlook the importance of subordinated characters. Certainly. Readers are aware of the roles of protagonists and antagonists, however subordinated characters are secondary characters who add depth and complication to the plot. In ‘A Rose for Emily’, ‘A Mystery of Heroism’, and ‘A Worn Path’ there are a significant amount of subordinate characters who are crucial to each story’s individual plot. Some of these subordinated characters are kin to the protagonists, others are simply acquaintances, or they are the enemies of the protagonist. Three of the most neglected characters in ‘A Rose for Emily’ are Emily’s father, Homer Barron, and Colonel Sartoris. These characters are unique compared each other, all†¦show more content†¦Colonel Sartoris was the town mayor, he â€Å"remitted† (line 27) Emily’s taxes after her father died. Colonel Sartoris made up that â€Å"Emily’s father had loaned money to the town† (line 31), this rumor convinced the town that not making Miss Emily pay her taxes was their way of repaying her family. But a few years later, Colonel Sartoris died, and ten years after that men came to Emily’s house asking her to pay her taxes. Emily told them to check the â€Å"‘city records and satisfy [themselves]’† (line 78) for proof that she didn t have to pay taxes to the town of Jefferson. Though the men told her that there was nothing in the books to prove her claim, so Emily told the men to ask Colonel Sartoris just before making them leave. Poor Emily didn t know that there wasn’t documentation of the information of her taxes or that the man that hadn t made her pay them was long dead. The deaths of these three men make readers pity young, middle aged, and old Emily, for they were the only people in her life who cared for her. The subordinating characters in â€Å"A Mystery of Heroism† help to show readers how Fred Collins changes throughout the story, being a dynamic protagonist. Collins is a foolish, worrisome company man at the beginning of the story. Collins comrades in his company taunted and laughed at him, saying that he was too scared to cross the meadow to get a drink of water. These jeers pressured Collins into going to prove the other boys wrong, to prove that he was braveShow MoreRelatedMarketing Mistakes and Successes175322 Words   |  702 Pagesgrowth percentages were 409 percent in 2002, 234 percent in 2003, and 118 percent in 2004. Such percentages of year-to-year growth are just not sustainable as a firm grows to a large size. As a firm becomes larger, and especially if the major characters are young, the climate is ripe for jealousy and envy. This can arise among associates, employees, Update—Going into 2008 †¢ 23 governmental agencies, and others that the firm has to deal with. In its early growth stage, Google was the darling

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Network Theory Issue of the Computerized World

Question: Describe about the Network Theory? Answer: Introduction: This essay highlights a noteworthy issue of the computerized world. In this digitalized world, the propelled instruments of the data innovation, for example, programming, applications and projects has given a considerable measure of the office works and the common life of people; however, these advances can be utilized contrarily on the normal life of the people and works of the organizations. At present, the reality is incredibly indigent in the web innovation (Pollacket al. 2013). A wide way for the internet commercial over the web has opened for this fact. The advantages of online shopping using internet have made the way of life of public simpler. Besides the high level of innovation, an important threat of the online shopping is the internet account hacking. It has turned into a major issue and it has become popular for stealing information from database. Programmers are going into the online records of the basic and taking their cash and secret data, making unapproved business exchanges in the internet commercial stage. These programmers are known as the hackers. Two processing stories, which have been chosen here, are regarding the internet account hacking problems. In which way ebay is influenced by the internet account hacking issue and what are the preventive measures they are taking to determine the issue and the choice of utilizing moral programmers by the Bank of England will be considered in this paper. At last, Actors Network Theory (ANT) will be applied to analyze and evaluate the two computing stories are interrelated to each other and the conclusion will be "An actant in modern computing does not act in isolation" (Rydinand Tate2016). Two Computing Stories: The commuting stories chosen for the essay are two mainstream news that are related to the internet account hacking problems of the internet commercial stage. The first is about the consideration of England bank for selecting moral programmers to prevent the internet account hacking and the second one is about the client account internet account hacking of ebay. Performer system hypothesis will comprehend the connection between the two occasions. In the hypothesis, the actants implies the human or non-human members of the occasion and the system implies the associations with each other. In these two cases, the actants are internet account hacking, moral programmers and online record. Bank of England to employ hackers: The basic aim of the hackers is to hack the individuals' online bank accounts which can acquire a great deal of money in unapproved way. The internet saving money system has been picked by the greater part of the managing bank accounts over the entire world. The primary goal of the banking industry is to take the necessary steps to prevent the internet account hacking and save the money of the common people. Moral programmers are the general population who has the obligations to check the system and the internet commercial stage to ensure the organization is as secured and secure as could be allowed (Chandre 2014). At present, a large number of companies are utilizing the moral internet account hacking, yet they are not able to prevent this fully. In the month of April of the year of 2015, the Bank of England took the decision that they are going to utilize Ethical programmers to test the protections measures of their network (Leyden 2016). Ethical hackers or moral programmers will u tilize the most recent innovation for hacking the system and their thinking strategy is like the original internet hackers. This will be able to give effective level of assistance to keep the bank's system frame free from the digital assaults (Trabelsi and Ibrahim 2013). Infiltration testing is a typical technique utilized by the moral programmers to check the quality of the inner system of the companys networks. This is not just supportive to give better security to the online client accounts, additionally this will give a high level of support to the database systems of the companies (Bodhani 2012). This technique checks some essential regions of the networking systems which could be the cause of a huge amount of information loss, if not checked properly. The bank has utilized the plan named as "Waking Shark II" which was able to check the security of the entire network. The moral internet account hacking with new activities is able to determine the present issues of the system an d record security. The Chief Executive Officer of the security firm Bloxx, Mr. Charles Sweeney has respected the thought of digital security administration (Trabelsiand McCoey2016). ebay urges users to reset security keys after cyber attack: ebay is a very popular internet shopping site. This organization is facing huge problems due to the issues of internet account hacking. Customer records of the clients of the organization have been theft by the hackers a few times in the most recent years. The assaults of the ebay client records are known as the greatest digital attack due to the incessant internet account hacking of the records. This organization has more than 230 millions clients and the internet account hacking of the client records are making a considerable measure of issues in their business system furthermore hampering the brand value of the organization (Gibbs2014). The clients account and the organization's own information base was theft by the hackers by the programmers and almost 40m clients' credit card details were stolen. Maintaining the security of the financial data of the customers was the responsibility of the company. The programmers are actualizing an incredible obstruction in this field. The globa l vice president of security research at security software firm Trend Micro, Mr. Ferguson said that the programmers are taking after the secret key propensities for the regular individuals. ebay is a famous organization and leading their business over numerous years. A considerable measure of clients is utilizing the same security keys since numerous years and some of them are utilizing the same secret key for a few sites. This wonder is useful for the programmers and this is the reason behind the clients for upgrading the security keys of their records. The actor internet account hacking has a high level of negative effect on the utilization of the other actor online record (Boerboomand Ferretti 2014). The demonstration here is the compelling operation of internet commercial stage. The internet account hacking issues are influencing the typical business exercises of the online exchanges through the online client accounts (Hooper 2014). There are a few methods for keeping the internet account hacking of the client records, for example, suing successful firewall programs, antivirus, growing great encryption system and so forth. One of the significant causes of this problem is the internet account hacking of the client accounts, which are worked by the clients who are ignorant, structure the development internet account hacking issues. This unawareness is a major favorable position of the hackers (van 2013). The prevention can be initiated from the user ends. Complex secret key giving and upgrading the security keys frequently is amazi ngly useful to keep the records from the programmers. That is the cause the organization has advised to upgrade the security keys of the records of their clients (Bueger 2013). They have additionally advised to change the security keys of the clients who utilize the same security keys for a few destinations. Keeping in mind the end goal to examine the circumstance with the ANT, the actants of this story are internet account hacking, online record and the moral programmers (Yaneva 2013). The online accounts are getting theft by the hackers and the budgetary data with heaps of cash is being stolen by the programmers. This has turned into a big issue of the online account management. In this situation, the Bank of England has chosen to enroll the moral programmers for keeping the internet account hacking of their clients' records. Moral programmers attempt to hack the records to comprehend the quality and shortcomings of the organization (Yaneva2013). Moral programmers attempt to break the encoded security keys and system security keys for watching that the records and the system can be theft by the hackers or not. In the present situation, the inclusion of the moral programmers in the online banking industry got a high level of priority. Conclusion: The issue of internet account hacking, effect and the resolving facts for resisting internet account hacking are examined in this report. Once more, regarding the primary story the story is highlighted where bank of England have utilized moral programmers in their bank is analyzed and discussed. The need and techniques how moral internet account hacking can be utilized as a part of the associations are talked about in this essay. The Actor Network Theory has been utilized for analyzing the circumstances and it has been found that there are two regular performing actants in both of the two stories. The two normal performing actants are internet account hacking and the online record. It can be additionally presumed that, the principle point of both of the two demonstrations are same i.e., to keep the online client accounts from the programmers. Both of the two stories are joined together, then it can be found that the general situation is same and the actants are acting similarly. In t he second story, ebay is confronting the online record updating so as to hack and attempting to keep the internet account hacking the security keys and in the first case, the bank is attempting to utilize the moral internet account hacking for the same cause. Subsequent to investigating the circumstances, it can be said that both of the two techniques are viable to make the progress in keeping the online record internet account hacking. The two demonstrations can be seen as collection in light of the fact that the fundamental situation is the digital wrongdoing and its insurance. In this manner, the contention can be made that "An actant in modern computing does not act in isolation ". This array will have an awesome achievement in the business by the successful administration of the system security and the online records of the clients. References Bodhani, A. (2012). Bad... in a good way [ethical hacking].Engineering Technology, 7(12), pp.64-68. Boerboom, L. and Ferretti, V., 2014.Actor-Network-Theory perspective on a forestry decision support system design.Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research,29(sup1), pp.84-95. Bueger, C., 2013. Actor Network Theory, Methodology, and International Organization.International Political Sociology,7(3), pp.338-342. Gibbs, S., 2014.Ebay urges users to reset passwords after cyber attack. [online] the Guardian. Available at: [Accessed 23 Feb. 2016]. Hooper, L. (2014). Actor network theory. [Place of publication not identified]: Grin Verlag Gmbh. Leyden, J., 2016.Bank of England seeks 'HACKERS' to defend vaults against e-thieves. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 Feb. 2016]. Pollack, J., Costello, K. and Sankaran, S., 2013.Applying ActorNetwork Theory as a sensemaking framework for complex organisational change programs.International Journal of Project Management,31(8), pp.1118-1128. Rydin, Y. and Tate, L. eds., 2016.Actor Networks of Planning: Exploring the Influence of Actor Network Theory. Routledge. Sheoran, P. and Singh, S., 2014. Applications of Ethical Hacking.International Journal of Enhanced Research in Science Technology Engineering,3(5), pp.112-114. van Wilsem, J., 2013. Hacking and harassmentDo they have something in common? Comparing risk factors for online victimization.Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice,29(4), pp.437-453. Wilhelm, T. (2010).Professional penetration testing. Rockland, Mass.: Syngress. Yaneva, A., 2013. Actor-network-theory approachestothearchaeologyofcontemporary architecture.The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of the Contemporary World, p.121.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Physio-Ex Blood Analysis Computer Simulation Essay Example

Physio-Ex Blood Analysis: Computer Simulation Essay In this lab five blood tests will be performed: hematocrit determination, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, hemoglobin determination, blood typing, and total cholesterol determination. A â€Å"hematocrit refers to the percentage of red blood cells (RBC’s) in a sample of whole blood. Since the function of red blood cells is the transport of oxygen to the cells of the body, the higher the hematocrit, the more red blood cells are available to carry oxygen. † In a normal, healthy male the value for males is 47% and in a normal, healthy female it is 42%. A person with a lower than normal hematocrit would indicate they are anemic, and a higher than normal hematocrit would indicate polycythemia. â€Å"Anemia is a condition in which insufficient oxygen is transported to the body’s cells. There are many possible causes for anemia, including inadequare numbers of red blood cells, decreased amount of the oxygen-carrying pigment hemoglobin, and abnormal hemoglobin. Polycythemia refers to a significant increase in red blood cells. Some causes for this increase in red blood cells are tumors in bone marrow, vigorous athletic training, and living in a place that is higher in altitude. To determine a hematocrit value a whole blood sample is put into microcapillary tube and spun in a special microhematocrit centrifuge. By doing this the blood sample will separate the blood cells from the blood plasma and there will be a â€Å"buffy coat† of white blood cells between the layer of blood plasma and red blood cell layer. We will write a custom essay sample on Physio-Ex Blood Analysis: Computer Simulation specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Physio-Ex Blood Analysis: Computer Simulation specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Physio-Ex Blood Analysis: Computer Simulation specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Then the hematocrit value can be determined â€Å"by measuring the height of the layer of red cells in millimeters and dividing that number by the height of the initial column of blood to obtain the percentage of red blood cells. In this experiment there will be six samples from six individuals, a healthy male who lives in Boston, a healthy female who lives in Boston, a healthy male who lives in Denver, a healthy female who lives in Denver, a male with aplastic anemia, and a female with iron-deficiency anemia. What should be seen in these experiments is that they healthy male and female living in Boston should have an average hematocrit value, the healthy male and female living in Denver should have an elevated hematocrit, the male with aplastic anemia will most likely have a very low hematocrit, and the female with iron-deficiency anemia will also have a low hematocrit. â€Å"The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) measures the settling of red blood cells in a vertical, stationary tube of blood during one hour. In a healthy person the red blood cells do not settle or settle very little over an hour, but â€Å"in some disease conditions, increased production of fibrinogen and immunoglobulins cause the red blood cells to clump together, stack up, and form a column†, which is called rouleaux formation. When the cells are grouped like this the red blood cells are heavier and they settle much faster. This test can be used to follow the progression of certain disease conditions like sickle cell anemia and inflammatory diseases like rheumatoid arthritis. When a condition worsens the ESR will increase and then when it improves the ESR will decrease. Sometimes a female who is menstruating will develop anemia and in turn will have increase in ESR, as well as someone who has iron deficiency anemia. â€Å" The ESR can be used to evaluate a patient with chest pains: the ESR is elevated in established myocardial infarction but normal in angina pectoris. † In this experiment there will be six samples from six individuals, a healthy individual, a menstruating female, a person with sickle cell anemia, a person with iron-deficiency anemia, a person suffering from a myocardial infarction, and a person suffering from angina pectoris. The healthy individual should have very little settling, a menstruating female will probably have an increased ESR, the individuals with sickle cell anemia, iron-deficiency anemia, and the person who is suffering a myocardial infarction, will all probably have an elevated ESR, and the individual suffering from angina pectoris will probably have a decreased ESR. Hemoglobin is a protein that is found in red blood cells, this protein is essential for the transportation of oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the cells in the body. â€Å"Anemia results when insufficient oxygen is carried in the blood. A quantitative hemoglobin determination is useful for determining the classification and possible causes of anemia and gives useful information on some other disease conditions. † Blood in a healthy individual contains approximately 12-18 grams of hemoglobin per 100 milliliters. â€Å"A healthy male has 13. 5 to 18 g/100 ml; a healthy female has 12 to 16 g/100 ml. † In a person with polycythemia, congestive heart failure, or someone living in a high altitude location, will have increased hemoglobin. To figure the hemoglobin content, a sample of blood will be stirred with a wooden stick which will rupture, or lyse, the cells. The intensity of the color of the lysed blood is a result of the amount of hemoglobin present. † To determine the hemoglobin content of a sample, a hemoglobinometer will compare the samples color to standard values. â€Å"The hemoglobinometer transmits green light though the hemolyzed blood sample. The amount of light that passes through the sample is compared to standard color intensities. † For this experiment, five samples will be evaluated, a healthy male, healthy female, a female with iron-deficiency anemia, a male with polycythemia, and a female Olympic athlete. The healthy male and female should have an average hemoglobin value, probably around 12-18 g/100 ml, the female with iron-deficiency will most likely a low hemoglobin value, and the individual with polycythemia and the Olympic athlete will probably have a much higher hemoglobin value. Every person has a blood type and it is important to know a persons blood type before performing a blood transfusion in order to avoid mixing blood that is incompatible. Red blood cells, like all cells in the body, are surrounded by a plasma membrane. â€Å"The plasma membrane contains genetically determined glycoproteins, called antigens, that identify the cells. On red blood cell membranes, these antigens are called agglutinogens. † There are many different antigens that are present on red blood cell membranes, but the ABO and Rh antigens cause the most vigorous and potentially fatal transfusion reactions. â€Å"The ABO blood groups are determined by the presence or absence of two antigens: type A and type B. These antigens are genetically determined so a person has two copies (alleles) of the gene for these proteins. The presence of these antigens is due to a dominate gene, and their absence is due to a recessive gene. The Rh factor is another genetically determined protein that may be present on red blood cell membranes. Antibodies to the Rh factor are not found preformed in the plasma. These antibodies are produced only after exposure to the Rh factor by persons who are Rh negative. † Type A blood will have A antigens on red blood cells and anti-B antibodies present in the plasma. Type B blood will have B antigens on red blood cells and anti-A antibodies present in the plasma. Type AB blood will have A and B antigens on red blood cells and no antibodies present in the plasma. Type O blood will have no antigens on red blood cells and anti-A and anti-B antibodies will be present in the plasma. In order to determine blood type, â€Å"separate drops of a blood sample are mixed with anti-sera containing antibodies to the types A and B antigens and antibodies to the Rh factor. An agglutination reaction (showing clumping) indicated the presence of the agglutination. † This experiment will be testing six different samples of blood and determining the blood types of each sample. â€Å"Cholesterol is a lipid substance that is essential for life. It is an important component of all cell membranes and is the basis for making steroid hormones, vitamin D, and bile salts. † LDL, low density liproprotein, is a type of lipoprotein package that has been identified as a source of damage to the interior of arteries and can contribute to atherosclerosis, which is a buildup of plaque, in these blood vessels. â€Å"Less than 200 milligrams of total cholesterol per deciliter of blood is considered desirable. Between 200 and 239 mg/dl is considered borderline high cholesterol. Over 240 mg/dl is considered high blood cholesterol and is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease. In testing for total blood cholesterol, four samples of blood will be mixed with enzymes that will produce a colored reaction with cholesterol. There is a color tester of standard values that will compare the color intensity of the samples to determine the cholesterol level. The color tester starts from a very light green, which is a low cholesterol level, and starts to get darker as the cholesterol level goes up. We would see a sample with a normal cholesterol level to be on the lighter green side and a sample with a high cholesterol level to be a much darker green.