Monday, October 14, 2019

Educational psychology Essay Example for Free

Educational psychology Essay Role Responsibility and Relationship in life long learning Definition: Role and responsibilites To teach, asses and plan, deliver, and evaluate The following assignment will discuss the role and responsibility of a teacher in long life learning The role of a teacher in lifelong learning sector is to deliver curriculum set out by the awarding body. Their role is to maintain their responsibilities by providing learners with a suitable and safe environment, health and safety work act1974] recording changes by complying relevant admin ensures records are up to date,plan lessson. Prepare teaching materials, do research. assess learners . keep record of attendance. The main role is to encourage and facilitate communication in such a way that all learners can enter into a wider range surrounding of the topic they have choosen ,ensuring all session aims and objectives, are meaningful . fficeint and effective to learners ensuring the teaching roles incorporates with ongoing administration and assessment, The main responsibility of a teacher in the long life learning is to continually reassess a leaner development, and change during course the and create seamless transition to ensure smooth delivery as learners develop better understanding of aims and objectives ,their needs change and this must be identify in continual reassessment . Teachers responsibility to monitor evaluate and improve quality and effectiveness of their delivery by taking in account learners changing needs. Our responsibility is to keeping up to date in teaching [cpd]. maintaining high standards in your work and conducts, complying with the rules of the organization you are apart of as well as code of practice,every child matters (EMC),be safe ,be healthy. enjoy and achieve. Assess upon induction to the course , this will allow the teacher to pinpoint who needs additional support, Or one to one one choosing a learning style within a group ,considering learners motivation and previous experiences ,help identify various teaching methods ,as good teachers know that not all leaners ability to learn will be the same. The methods i will choose to use will help each learner individually. First step is to assess student include standardized test it can be formal or informal which is from text book or ciurriculum this assessment can give you ideas of their academic level these are some of the teaching methods that can be used [1] direct instruction is not t he most effective method ,inquiry-based learning method which is rapidly gaining popularity in the united state based on scienctific method, this teaching method can be used for virtually all subjects, it takes a lot of energy and planning but often effective, [2]Cooperate learning it another method that is consired highly effective ,where students are put in small groups to work together not group by ability. various teaching method can be used throughtout teaching program session incooperating visual, a visual learner learns through looking at images, mind maps demonstration and body language. Knessthetic learner learns best through doing and intracting ,auditory learns best through spoken words ,ensure all learne rs have an equal opportunity to re-valuate which method will satisfied their need. Maslow hierarchy of needs suggested that if a leaner basic needs are not met then they will not be able to function. The pyramid is useful model for teachers to use in lifelong learning sector to identify learners emotional and physical needs. One of the role of a teacher is to is not meeting his/or her requirement and their could be a need . so we can direct a learner to the right directon we must use our knowledge to structure the lesson plan and classroom enviroment and try to meet as many needs as possible especially safety and esteem . It is important to recognize the differences in the learners we teach as these may influence how we react with them. To act professionally as teachers we will want to ensure that we behave in ways acceptable to all our learners , how we communicate with learners, making sure they understand, use approite vocabulary and termanalogy ,ensure your comment will not be taken discrimmatory ,or offensive and that your body language is approiate ,taking into account race ,gender. age previous experience or background[equality and dirversity] Dirversity is defind by otherness or those human qualities that are different from our own and outside the group to which we belong yet we are present in other individuals or group says [University of Maryland 1995] stating that everyone is different regardless of skin,intellect,talent or years. Equality in education is not about treating everyone the same , it is about giving everyone an equal opportunity, to access learning experiences. In lifelong learning each individual must be treated fair regardless of their learning disability ,as teachers if a learner has a learning diability such as Dysiexia we must provide the leaner within their rights the support they may require such as a scribe to help with literacy/numeracy ,softwares, cd possibly using slide , to help that leaner to complete their work. and achieve their qualification. Involve Learners We need to involve all learners while teaching and so that they understand what is required of them ,this will give them inspiration and confidence to achieve their qualification. We need them to understand what is required of them . uch as getting them to read the criteria of their course the requirement of governing body,they must understand timing so they know how long they are allow to complete a task given and be aware of house rules, not eating and drinking in classroom , respecting rights of others, not being critical or bullying others in the groups. Importance of health and safety act . Evaluation is to review what we taught and wether we provide learners with correct information in the right way so we can continually inprove on teaching in the right way, it heps to understand our learners too As teachers its important to give feed back to learners so they know where they are going and what to improve on whilst working towards their qualification,we can use positive impression encouraging feedback and one of the negative areas to improve on without knocking their confidence. the positive way will motivate the leaner and build their confidence. My role as a tutour in long life learning is to the leaners the awarding body and the institute,college ect,keeping them safe by following , health and safety guidlines , identify individual learning needs ect. supporting their needs emotionally through their learning, promote Eguality and Diversity,learners confidentially,Data proctection. As a tutour my role and responsiblites is to up to date my skills required of us teachers ,in line with polices such as COSHH;and Health and Safety Guidelines then we are of good standard to our learners. My role and responsiblites is to follow the legilslation relating to Health and safety the responsibility to a safe environment to my leaners and myself Health amp;Safety Act 1999. Manual Operation. Management of the health amp;safety at work. Coshh, d isability Discrimination Act1995. code of practice special education needs. Equality Act 2006 There are professional boundries that we have to follow as teachers in lifelong sectors and must not cross. not socialise with learners talking about their personal affairs. exchanging contacts numbers . going out on dates if a learner has a person problem like domestic abuse they need to be reffered to the person in the institution which would give them the most suitable advise .

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