Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Business Requirements-HR Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Business Requirements-HR - Essay Example The company, with the use of IS, can enable employees to be trained using virtual training centers and conferences. The quality assurance at different outlets is a major task to standardize as the teams are not the same in different places. Centralized quality standards and assurance procedures may help them to avoid any differences in the quality of products at different outlets. Using information systems to maintain a quality database containing standards and procedures for sharing among various quality teams will result in a centralized procedures and checks. Using the information systems, the information sharing has become easy and quick. The evaluations can be done online and the tabulation, analysis and consolidations can be done automatically at runtime . the management can now get instantaneous update of the evaluations and performance reports. Hiring and training are major aspects of any HR department. Hiring the right people is attributed to the information systems to a great extent as they allow a bigger reach to the potential candidates. The comprehensive online tests, interviews and testing features allow for a thorough test of abilities and potential of the candidates. This helps in getting better employees and a more efficient HR department. Trainings are also carried out using teleconferencing and virtual training rooms whereby a trainer in any location can be transmitted to anywhere in the world. The company can train all its employees remotely from one location to any place and at the same time allowing the participants to participate and interact with the trainer and other participants. This allows the trainer to carry out interactive exercise online. Payment correctly Payrolls are confidential and critical for the employer and the employees. Using efficient payroll mechanisms is vital for the coffee business. Payroll systems are an alternate to manual payment systems. They are efficient, reliable, fast and provides an easy to use payroll management. New policies, increments and changes in pay structure can all be easily incorporated into the system. Retaining and rewards programs Employee performance appraisal, rewards and incentives can be applied and handled using the HR module. This allows for a better and efficient integration of the incentive plans, monitoring and rewarding employees based on their performance and to keep them motivated. The current system does not cater to the needs of appraisals of employees based on their performance and routine feedback. Appraisals take too long to reach the relevant personnel as they require manual and physical transportation of documents. The results are then analyzed and communicated to relevant personnel. This creates a state of risk whereby a poorly rated employee may result in lost customers to the organization. With the implementation of the HR module of

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Simpsons Essay Example for Free

The Simpsons Essay Does Matt Groening succeed in making his cartoon show appeal to such a wide audience? Discuss one particular episode of The Simpsons in detail The Simpsons is made to the highest production values with the most complex and sophisticated scripts animation has yet seen. An amazing fifteen scriptwriters re-write the whole show eight to nine times before it is considered to be finished. Each episode of the Simpsons is carefully constructed from twenty to thirty thousand drawings, which are sent to Korea to be oil painted by professional artists. The show uses a thirty six piece orchestra for its background music, which creates a wide selection of audio effects and life like sounds and the music is especially composed to fit the mood of the scene, helping to boost the emotions felt by the viewers. The Simpsons has become one of the most popular cartoon shows yet to be produced, as it is shown in many countries over the world in many different languages. The Simpsons, becoming such a success and accomplishment, has made its money for Fox TV, helping it to save Rupert Murdochs massive multi national corporation, from bankruptcy when it was launched. Every episode of The Simpsons begins with a short two minute credit, in which the viewers are very cunningly told about each of the characters. The credits begin with blissful and godly music suggesting an angelic family and The Simpsons title coming towards the viewers from behind moving clouds. But what we are about to see next we find out that the Simpsons are far from being angelic. The camera takes a long range overview of Springfield, zooming through the town towards the local elementary school where we see Bart writing detention lines already suggesting that he is badly behaved. As the school bell rings Bart dashes out of the door leaving for home on his skateboard. The focus then switches to Homer, whom we see is working at the nuclear power plant. He is working with some green radioactive rod when he hears the bell, indicating the end of the shift. Quickly forgetting what he is doing, Homer drops the rod which bounces back into his overall without him noticing. By just watching this we can see that homer is reckless and immature. He only realises the radioactive rod down his back later in the credits. After that we see Marge with Maggie in the supermarket where Marge is reading a ladies magazine. This, as we can clearly see is satirizing American wives who basically have to do every household chores as well as doing the shopping etc. Following on from Marge and Maggie we then see Lisa in a music lesson where she is playing the saxophone in a different tune to the rest of the class. This tells us that Lisa is independent and different. Next we view that all the members of the family are going home to watch TV. Matt Groening is again satirizing Americans through the Simpsons as he is telling us that all Americans revolve around television. Anyway as the family are about to sit down on the couch and watch TV, something bizarre or hilarious always happens to the couch like it turns into a fish or runs away. This couch gag changes every episode like Barts detention lines and real Simpsons fanatics will be looking forward for every episode to see what the new detention lines and the couch gags are. All this is crammed into a space two minutes and therefore the credits are always quick, accompanied by fast flowing background music. The scene that I am going to study in depth is the therapy centre of the episode Theres no disgrace like home. Here Homer takes the whole family to this therapy centre where it guarantees saintly family. He saw this therapy commercial in Moes bar where Dr Marvin Monroe says that for only $500 he can cure badly behaved families or double the money back. So seeing the commercial and really convinced he goes home and wants to sell the TV. But Marge so desperate for the TV, offers her engagement ring. This is a clear satire on American family as it tells us that all American people revolve around TV and value nothing else. However homer sells the TV and takes the family to the therapy centre. At the centre they meet Dr Marvin Monroe where he sets the family their first task, which is to draw a picture of the centre of violence in the family. Everyone else draws Homer but Homer draws a fighter jet, clearly showing that he is paying no attention what so ever. Then the family are given foam mallets to gently hit each other, but Bart removes the foam from the mallets so only the metal stick remains. This satirizes all American violence in general. Nevertheless the most important scene is where the family are linked to electric chairs and are told to zap each other in turns. This goes too far as the family zap each other so much that Springfield runs out of electricity. This satirizes American belief in psychotherapy and the American electric chair. The scene was taken from the original A clockwork Orange directed by Stanley Kubrick and as a result will be funny to those film fans. So in the end Dr Marvin Monroe kicks the family out as they achieve no results. But Homer tells Dr Marvin Monroe that the therapy commercial said that if there was no result there would be double the money back. Now nervous, Dr Marvin Monroe tells homer that did he believe in the commercial satirizing American people as it tells us that TV is their life. Nowhere to go Dr Marvin Monroe pays Homer $1000 and now the family are able to get a better-quality TV. At the beginning of the scene the family sell the dearly loved TV to pat for the therapy treatment and now at the end of the scene the family can by a better one, which takes the whole story round and round in a circle.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Amazing Life of F. Scott Fitzgerald :: essays research papers fc

F. Scott Fitzgerald lived an amazing life throughout time, overcoming obstacles in his path and persevering through trials and tribulations. As a man who has gone through over four decades of experiencing an overwhelming amount of accomplishments, as well as hardships, F. Scott Fitzgerald is therefore acknowledged as a â€Å"True Man†. In fact, his struggles through childhood, his transition to adulthood and his unstable literary career acknowledges him as a â€Å"Real Man† who is more like a hero.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To begin with, F. Scott Fitzgerald’s childhood was a common one, like other children who grew up during the late nineteenth century. His origin played a key role in how he came to live his life according to the â€Å"American Dream†. Of the Irish ethnicity, F. Scott Fitzgerald was born September 24, 1896 in St. Paul, Minnesota. His family life was one to be considered average for the late 1800s. His mother, Mary Mc Quilla, and father, Edward Fitzgerald were middle class Americans who worked hard to maintain a stable family. Mary Mc Quillan, was the daughter of an Irish immigrant who became wealthy as a wholesale grocer in St. Paul. Both were Catholics. Edward Fitzgerald failed as a manufacturer of wicker furniture in St. Paul, and he became a salesman for Procter & Gamble in upstate New York. After he was dismissed in 1908, when his son was twelve, the family returned to St. Paul and lived comfortably on Mary Fitzgerald’s inheritance. Both wer e of the Catholic decent. F. Scott Fitzgerald, named after his distant cousin, Francis Scott Key, the composer of the Star Spangled Banner, was the only child born to his fortunate parents. Due to several issues, his family moved regularly.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Also, F. Scott Fitzgerald transition to adulthood came about with a dramatic twist as he experienced ups and downs as any normal being would. Starting as a young lad and entering the field of becoming a â€Å"man†, Francis began to start a new life. He entered Princeton University in 1913 but allowed other prerogatives to take over his priorities. For example, Fitzgerald neglected his studies for his literary apprenticeship. He wrote the scripts and lyrics for the Princeton Triangle Club musicals and was a contributor to the Princeton Tiger humor magazine and the Nassau Literary Magazine. His college friends included Edmund Wilson and John Peale Bishop. On academic probation and unlikely to graduate, Fitzgerald joined the army in 1917 and was commissioned a second lieutenant in the infantry.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

How much did Hitler’s foreign policy owe to his predecessors? Essay

Hitler claimed that his foreign policy was original; most of it having been written down in the also ‘original’ Mein Kampf, which included a huge mix of ideological hatred, that had mainly been written before in some kind during the previous 50 years. So it was with foreign policy. Although some elements were new, they were mostly because Hitler’s predecessors had not had a chance to deal with them; they were results of the outcome of the First World War. These included lebensraum and pan Germanism, along with the desire to smash Communism and the idea of a racial war, including the destruction of the Jewish race worldwide. However, the most important idea was to crush the treaty of Versailles, something which Bismarck could not have envisaged, as he was dead before the war even started. However, Stresemann was interested in totally revising Versailles, although not going so far as ripping it up. There are also several ambiguous points, which featured before in German policy, but to which Hitler added a little of his own personal flavour. For example, the desire to expand into Russia was clear before even the war, and shown with the humiliating treaty of Brest-Litovsk, but no-one envisaged that Hitler would then try to use the Russians after annexing them as a slave labour force. Hitler perhaps owes a debt to the Kaiser, for they shared many of the same qualities. It has been mused that Hitler was the natural successor to the Kaiser, and this is certainly true when it comes to the area of Foreign policy. The Kaiser and Bismarck operated a right wing government from the creation of a united Germany in 1871, and in the 1870 Franco-Prussian war. Bismarck, however, was more cautious than the war-mongering Kaiser, and his personal ideas are perhaps more similar to Hitler before 1938, whilst the Kaiser’s mirror the second period, from 1938 to 1941 and the invasion of the Soviet Union. This was because Bismarck was always worried about Germany’s dangerous geopolitical position sandwiched between several other great powers of the continent. He also had to be wary of the results of 1870, because French hostility to the Germans from then onwards became a constant element of European foreign policy and diplomacy. Thus, to offset this disadvantage, he concluded the Dual alliance with Austria-Hungary in 1879, which Italy joined in 1882. He also signed a defensive treaty with Russia and Austria. This policy was pursued by Hitler with similar effect, as he pushed for several alliances that did not necessarily mean anything. These included the Rome-Berlin Axis, the Anti-Comintern Pact, and non-aggression pacts with Russia and Poland. However, although Germany wanted ‘a place in the sun,’ Bismarck was happy to stay on the sidelines when it came to Africa and Asia, as colonies not only led to tensions among the nations, but most of the nations with any economic appeal had already been grabbed by the other imperialist powers. Hitler, however, subscribed to Weber, who in 1895 stated that the foundation of thee German empire was not a terminal achievement, but that it was a step towards more glory and success. The Kaiser also shared this feeling, initiating Weltpolitik, and Admiral Tirpitz decided to build a fleet to support this, similar to Hitler, who built up a huge army after the introduction of conscription in 1935. Under the Kaiser, politics were perceived by foreigners as inflammatory, swaggering, insensitive and overly aggressive. Like Hitler, the Kaiser believed preserving the status quo would lead to decline, and thus Germany had to expand, preferably eastwards, the policy of Mittleuropa. Possibly Hitler implemented a kind of Weltpolitik for the same reasons that the Kaiser did, which were actually domestic. After the failure of the anti-socialist laws, the ruling elite wanted to reconcile the working class with the state, through integrative nationalism, passion for overseas expansion and concern for national prestige. Finally, the personality of the Kaiser was such that it can be compared to Hitler, for they both were nationalists, racists, obsessed with expansion, industrialisation and creating a Germany super-state with a huge army at its head. On the other hand, one might at first state that Stresemann, a servant of Weimar, would present a total discontinuation of foreign policy, but his right wing roots means that he actually presented Hitler with some ideas, despite the fact Hitler portrayed himself as totally anti-Weimer, and indeed was in so many ways. However, although Stresemann had some different policies, this was due to pressure, for he was a right wing fish in a socialist sea. Despite his leanings, though, he was never concerned with racial ideology which so motivated Hitler’s conduct. The only man around in the Weimar Republic who had the same leanings as Hitler, was Ludendorff, (who later joined the Nazis) who believed that establishing a large German area in the east at the expense of Russia would give Germany a large hegemonial position in Europe and beyond, from which position Germany would be able to fight a war self-sufficiently, called autarky. However, Stresemann believed Germany had to remain a trading nation and part of the international economic system. After the defeat of 1918, he became more of a realist, with a sharp sense of what could be done within the realm of practical politics. Although hating Versailles, he came to realise Germany could not destroy it by force, (Hitler’s aim) but only by collaborating with the Western powers in gradually modifying it. He decided to play Germany’s strongest card, her economic importance, should be played in cooperation with the international community, rather than in defiance of it, as some nationalists argued. After his period as chancellor, he remained as foreign minister until his death, deciding to advance by finesse rather than by force. He did this through several deals and treaties, which reduced the damage Versailles did to Germany rather than removing it completely. This included Locarno, the Dawes Plan, and the admission of Germany into the League of Nat ions in 1926. Shortly before his death, he claimed that the three great tasks of his foreign policy of finesse were as follows: a solution of the reparations question, protection for the 10 or so million Germans living outside the new German border, and a revision of the German border with Poland. He did not believe Anschluss would be beneficial, as it would raise religious questions. Also, what was more important, and a greater parallel with Hitler than with most of his other policies, was to ensure that Germany advanced through any means, namely through deals, including with the Russians. The treaty of Berlin greatly helped both outcasts, and was a prelude to some of Hitler’s policies, for it enabled secret training of troops and testing of weapons etc. As Stresemann had dismantled much of the system, this gave Hitler the chance to claim that originally his foreign policy would merely be the continuation of previous German governments. So, were Hitler’s policies a continuation of others, or were they radically different? Although this subject has been crossed, the best way of seeing whether this is true is to look at individual pieces of policy implemented by Hitler during the period 1933 to 1941. However, there are, as previously explained, two distinct periods, one of which Hitler appeared to be on a sort of metaphorical leash. Hitler proposed a very radical plan, more than anything that the majority of the German people, even the conservative elite would have proposed. He hoped tom win Britain as an ally, due to their concern over the growing power of the Japanese empire and the United States. He projected his crude Darwinism, but the British were never going to give Hitler a blank cheque for Eastern expansion. However, he implemented it with caution, like his predecessors, until 1938. This could be shown with the peaceable non-aggression pact with Poland, the return of the Saar, the Anglo-German naval agreement, the remilitarisation of the Rhineland (he was ready to retreat at any time), and cautiously involved himself in Abyssinia, and the Spanish civil war. He did this to help get Mussolini on side, without totally alienating France or Germany. Involvement in Spain also helped show his anti-communist policy, without seeming overly aggressive. This helped Hitler greatly, as these events led to the signing of the Rome-Berlin axis and the anti-Comintern pact. He also introduced the four-year plan, which was actually about re-armament, but Hitler portrayed the plan as mainly economic to the outside world. Hitler was also helped by the fact that the British government then decided to adopt the controversial policy of appeasement, which meant that for two years, Hitler could effectively gather territory peaceable, without fear of foreign intervention. However, after Anschluss, Hitler then sacked Neurath and promoted Ribbentrop, which resulted in the turn in policy, which became more aggressive, in the style of the Kaiser. This aroused concern with many of the generals, who tried to warn the British government, but they would not listen. This new aggression was shown by the fact that Hitler was in fact very angry after the Munich conference, for he would have to control himself somewhat until he had chance to strike. He also felt things were rising to a head where a large war would start, and in reality, he would have preferred a ‘little war.’ The fact that he was willing to make deals with anyone also helped his cause, for the signing of the Nazi-soviet pact was of vital importance. Hitler had been helped by the fact that Chamberlain had done everything possible to keep Stalin away from the negotiating table, for he wanted Britain to be the major mediator in European affairs. Therefore, although none of his predecessors’ aims were criminal, Hitler did indeed borrow a great deal from them, even Stresemann to an extent. He was helped by the fact that hardly anyone knew that Hitler was indeed serious about his racial policies or the extent he would go to carry them out. In fact, it has been said, that once Hitler was fairly sure that he had lost the military war, he put all his efforts into winning the racial war. Despite the fact that some policies were new, these were mainly because of events that were recent, and so, Hitler, in terms of foreign policy, could definitely be described as a plagiarist.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Occupational Stress in Law Enforcement & Intervention Strategies

Occupational Stress in Law Enforcement & Intervention Strategies Stress in law enforcement is complex. Stressors vary by individual and because of that combatting stress is law enforcement is not an easy task. Broad strokes and blanket programs are used in an effort to reach the greatest number of employees with strategies designed to prevent and reduce stress in the field of law enforcement. I believe that a more individualized approach is required to have the greatest impact on officers working in this field.The occupation of a police officer is commonly referred to as one of the most stressful occupations. Causes of stress for police officers can be linked to the organizational structure and the demands of the profession to include shift work, overtime, and years of service. The rigid nature of the organization has been referred to as one of the primary sources of stress for law enforcement. In addition to the stress of the organizational structure, police encounter the threat of violent criminals and disturbing crime scenes as a part of routine daily possibilities.Potential causes of stress for correctional staff are similar to the stress that police officers endure. Stress is derived from internal and external sources to include, prison/jail organizational structure, nature of work-supervision of the inmate population, overtime, shift work, length of time on the job, privacy/safety concerns, threats of inmate violence/actual inmate violence, inmate demands/manipulations, co-workers, specific post or assignments, poor public image, and low pay.Correctional officers and police officers had the highest rates of non-fatal violent incidents at work between 1990-1995 (Finn, p. , 2001). Research regarding causes of stress for law enforcement was inconsistent when attempting to determine the highest rates of stress. Areas of concern for both correctional and police officers that experience work-related stress span from work-related effects to the effects on the em ployees personal life. Officers can suffer physical ailments as a result of work-related stress that include heart disease, high blood pressure, and eating disorders, etc.Studies have shown that disability of officers has been linked to stress related causes. Additional areas of concern are staff burnout, personal and family relationships that include the displacement of frustration onto family/friends and poor work performance which ultimately compromises institutional safety and creates stress for co-workers. One of the most significant causes of stress in law enforcement is critical incidents and the impact of critical incident stress in law enforcement.A critical incident can be defined as â€Å"any situation in which an officer’s expectations of personal infallibility suddenly become tempered by imperfection and crude reality† (Kureczka, 1996). Critical Incidents in law enforcement are loosely defined because the nature of the incidents can affect officers differe ntly. Examples of critical incidents in law enforcement include line of duty death, serious injury of a co-worker, officer involved shooting, traumatic death of a child, hostage and riot situations. Critical Incident Stress can lead to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.Four to ten percent of individuals who experience a critical incident will develop PTSD. Research shows that 87% of all emergency workers experience the effects of critical incident stress (Kureczka,1996). Stressors can be multiplied by compounding events (i. e. death of a suspect and injury to the officer). The effects of a critical incident affect the officer physically, emotionally and cognitively. Physical affects (effects) can range from headaches, muscle aches, sleep disturbance, decreased sexual activity, decreased appetite, and impotence.Emotional affects include anxiety, fear, guilt, sadness, anger, irritability, withdrawal and a sense of feeling lost. Cognitive affects include flashbacks, repeated visions of th e incident, nightmares, slowed thinking, difficulty in decision making, disorientation, memory lapse, and the lack the ability to concentrate. Intervention strategies include a variety of options that have been implemented in law enforcement over the past twenty years. Some intervention programs are specific to the everyday stressors of the profession while others are more concentrated to areas involving critical incidents.The development and establishment of stress programs or Employee Assistance Programs are types of intervention programs available. Programs vary by department and in levels of perceived success. Possible program components include trained correctional staff assisting other correctional staff that have experienced a critical incident at work, implementation of a counseling team, implementation of a stress unit, critical incident debriefing, increased communication with employees, wellness programs, staff involvement in policy making and training & education program s.The benefits of the implementation of programs to help employees deal with stress include, reduction of overtime costs incurred due to sick time usage, reduction in staff turnover rates, enhanced staff morale coupled with improved job performance, increased institutional and officer safety, improved relations with the union, staff feeling that management/administrators value them as individuals. The role of the administration in providing support to officers’ both pre and post critical incidents has a tremendous The administration’s role in combatting critical incident stress is mutually beneficial to the employee and the agency.The agency impact is on the organizational structure (i. e. other officers, the department, the public, and families) as a whole as well as budgetary impact that affects all areas (retention, training, etc. ). When compared to the cost of intervention, it is financially more beneficial to the organization to spend money on intervention which in turn also benefits the entire organizational structure. . Intervention strategies specific to critical incidents include counseling for employees with counselors that have a thorough understanding f the type of work of law enforcement, as well as the availability of peer support officers that are specially trained to recognize problems and make referrals. The availability of pre-incident stress education and stress management training for new recruits and seasoned employees throughout employment allows employees who experience critical incident stress to recognize the signs and seek help. Additional orientations for families also provides for information on stress in law enforcement to be communicated to prepare families for what to expect in the event that an incident occurs.References Finn, P. (2001). Addressing Correctional Officer Stress: Programs and Strategies. Criminal Justice Media, Inc. Retrieved from http://search. proquest. com/socialsciences/docview/ 214386062/fulltex t/ 136F9663B05382C356E/ 3? accountid=36616 on May 28, 2012 Kureczka, A. (1996). Critical Incident Stress in Law Enforcement, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin. Retrieved from http://search. proquest. com/socialsciences/docview/204132441/ fulltextPDF/136F9D8BC523F17E9DF/2? accountid=36616 on May 28, 2012 Feemster, S. 2010). The Forensic Examiner. Addressing the Urgent Need for Multi- Dimensional Training in Law Enforcement Retrieved from http://search. proquest. com/ SocialSciences/docview/859010103/fulltextPDF/136FB22E6C16A280637/4? accountid= 36616 on May 28, 2012 To Quit or not to Quit: Perceptions of Participation in Correctional Decision Making and the Impact of Organizational Stress Retrieved from http://search. proquest. com/social sciences/docview/214563577/136FB3A66E950711643/2? accountid=36616 on May 28, 2012Jaramillo, F. , Nixon, R. & Sams, D. (2004). The Effect of Law Enforcement Stress on Organizational Commitment. Retrieved from http://search. proquest. com/socialsciences/ d ocview /211301458/ fulltextPDF/136FB495CC464AAE192/14? accountid=36616 on May 28, 2012 McCarty, W. , Zhao, J. & Garland, B. , (2007). Occupational Stress and Burnout between Male and Female Police Officers Retrieved from http://search. proquest. com/socialsciences/ docview/211277163/fulltextPDF/136FBFDCC4976A43D80/1? accountid=36616 on May

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

drinking essays

drinking essays In 1997, the nation was shaken by the death of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) student, Scott Krueger. Krueger, a freshman, has died from alcohol poisoning with his blood-alcohol level was at five times the legal limit in Massachusetts. Reports from his fraternity brothers showed that he had multiple drinks in a short period of time otherwise known as binge drinking. (Kellogg) This particular situation, along with incidents from other different colleges and universities, has urged a national discussion about college alcohol abuse and to be more specific binge drinking. The Journal of the American Medical Association has done a study that demonstrated how frequent binge drinkers have a much higher occurrence of problems than even those who occasionally binge and much greater rate than those who drink fairly moderately. (Buddy T) According to Primary Influence, frequent binge drinkers at college were 22 times more likely than non-binge drinkers to have problems, such as m issed classes, falling behind in school work, drinking and driving, and engaging in unplanned sexual activity. (Primary Influence) But the question is, who and what exactly is a binge drinker? Binge drinking is defined as the usage of four or more drinks for women, and five or more drinks for men in two hour setting. This is the estimated amount of alcohol needed to increase the standard sized persons blood alcohol concentration (BAC) to about 0.10%, which is the amount of alcohol consumption that would raise the presumption of intoxication. (College Binge Drinking) The profile of binge drinkers are hard to categorize, but however, there are several factors that can predict which students are most likely to be binge drinkers. The most important factor is if the student were binge drinkers back in high school, because they are almost three times more likely to be binge drinkers in college. The other predictors are included in the following: R ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

How to gain experience without experience 7 ways to land your dream job

How to gain experience without experience 7 ways to land your dream job If you currently have the day job that pays the bills but isn’t quite building towards your career goals, or you want to switch career tracks, then you have to be smart about collecting the skills you need to bolster your resume. Beyond the day job, there are ways to demonstrate and build the skills that will look good to future employers and prove your worth in a new position. It may take a little bit of hustle and some extra unpaid labor, but it can pay off in the long run. 8 ways to gain skills to get the job you want1. Target the entry-level positionFirst, you need to research the skills you need. Figure out the places where you find yourself saying, â€Å"I’d love to work there, if only†¦ † or â€Å"I’d love to do this, but first I need to†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Find out specifics. What are the skills emphasized in these job ads? What skills do you currently have that are transferrable? Then, work from there. Setting your sights on an entry-level job in your preferred industry while building the skills required for the dream job are a winning combo.2. Take classesMost importantly, you want to figure out ways you can build these skills beyond the traditional workplace setting. Building skills through small certificate programs or local or online classes are a good way to learn and demonstrate your abilities. Taking classes can also show your motivation to prospective employers.Online courses are a convenient way to build your skills or interests on your own time. Whether it’s a Google Analytics certificate, or a continuing studies course in graphic design at your local art school, you can find low-cost ways to build your skills in a new area.3. Take on self-motivated projectsDid you take that class in graphic design? Great. Now make a website of your sample work. Gather a portfolio. Take the knowledge you have and translate it into action. This extra step can lead to a showcase of your skills and work beyond a line on a resume, and it demonstrates to future employers your ability to take initiative.4. Build your online presenceBeyond a website, there are a number of social media platforms available to keep you informed on your industry of choice and help you interact with that industry. â€Å"Liking† an organization on social media and staying up-to-date is the first step. In addition to following any appropriate feeds, you can build your own presence surrounding that field, while developing your knowledge. For example, if you want to work in a museum, follow art news feeds and link to articles you find interesting. A lot more employers are looking at prospective employees’ social media, so let that be a plus for you.Beyond these basics of staying on top of industry trends, you can build your own stories on YouTube, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, or your platform of choice. Investing the time to engage with your industry will keep you informed of opportunities available and the skills you need to get the position you want.5. Consider a side gigPart-time work or freelance work is a great way to get your foot in the door for a new position. It likely won’t come with benefits, but it can help you develop skills and experience in a new area as a stepping stone toward a full-time position. These smaller side gigs can help bolster your resume with smaller projects related to your desired in dustry.6. Explore internship opportunitiesWhile an internship often requires a bigger (and often unpaid) commitment than a side gig, getting one at an organization can often lead to longer-term work. Helping with a company’s odds and ends can also really show you an insider’s view of the industry and what it is like working at a particular organization.7. VolunteerWhether it’s working on a political campaign, for a local environmental humanitarian organization, at a neighborhood food bank, or anywhere else that needs a helping hand, volunteering can demonstrate your passion and commitment to more than just your own personal goals. Employers also often value soft skills like collaboration, so you can let your volunteer work speak to that side of your merit.You can also gain job skills in whatever aspect of the work you do on a voluntary basis. If you want to work in marketing, for example, volunteering to assist on a marketing department campaign at a service or ganization can help you gain necessary skills and insight and help you land your next job.8. Find opportunities at workThe easiest way to go about gaining skills is to look at the place that already pays you to do work. Find projects within your current job that can support a career move and help you build new skills- whether it’s simply offering help on a project for a colleague or directly asking your superiors for opportunities. You can slowly gain experience that will expand your resume and still get paid to do it. Get an idea, take some initiative, and go for it.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

NMSQT Test Tips and Basic Information

NMSQT Test Tips and Basic Information The NMSQT Basics You may have heard of the Redesigned PSAT Test with the acronym â€Å"NMSQT† attached. When you heard it or saw it, you probably asked yourself a bunch of questions: What does the NMSQT stand for? Why is it attached to the PSAT? I thought that was just the test that demonstrated how you might score on the SAT. Why should I be concerned about this test? Why does everyone always have to use acronyms for multiple choice exams? If you want to know more about the PSAT -  NMSQT, I’m here to help. If you do not want to read more about it, then go read something else. What Is the NMSQT? The National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (NMSQT) is the exact same thing as the PSAT exam. That’s right – you only have to take the one test, usually during your sophomore and junior years of high school. So why the extra acronym? Well, this test provides you with two different outcomes: a National Merit Scholarship score and the PSAT score. So, what is the National Merit Scholarship? If the PSAT is qualifying you for it, you definitely should know what the stakes are. How To Qualify for the NMSQT First things first. Before anyone will ever look at your PSAT/NMSQT score, you have to have the following things going for you. Give yourself a point if you are: A U.S. citizen/intended U.S. citizenEnrolled full time in high schoolTaking the PSAT your junior yearCarrying a strong academic recordGoing to complete the NMSC Scholarship application Oh! One other small thing†¦you have to have  scored well on the darn test itself. There’s always a catch. The PSAT/NMSQT Score They Want   In order to determine your NMSQT Selection Index,  your Math, Reading, and Writing section scores (which fall between 8 and 38) are added and then multiplied by 2.  The PSAT NMSC Selection Index ranges from 48 to 228.   Math: 34Critical Reading: 27Writing: 32Your NMSQT Index Score Would Be:  186 A 186, however, would be way too low to qualify for a scholarship from the NMSQT. Each state has a minimum index score for eligibility, which starts at 206 for places like North Dakota and West Virginia, all the way up to 222 for New Jersey and the District of Columbia. So if you’re interested in the benefits of the National Merit Scholarship, you better prepare for the PSAT. The National Merit Process Scholarships usually involve cash, but there’s a process that happens behind the scenes before they’re handed out. Once you’ve taken the PSAT and receive your NMSQT index score back, one of three things can happen: Nothing. You didn’t score high enough to qualify for the National Merit Scholarship. Congrats. Go crawl in a hole somewhere and cry yourself to sleep.You become a Commended Student. You’re no longer in the running for the National Merit Scholarship, but since you impressed the selection committee with your score and academic record, you can still qualify for other scholarships sponsored by businesses and corporations.You qualify as an NMS Semi-finalist.  You made the cut, and hats off to you, because only 16,000 out of the 1.5 million who take the test actually make it this far. The semi-finalists will then be whittled down to 15,000 finalists. From there, 1,500 finalists will receive special scholarships from corporate sponsors, and 8,200 will receive the oh-so-coveted National Merit Scholarship. What Do You Get If You Receive the NMS? Fame. Maybe not the Brad Pitt kind, but the National Merit Scholarship Committee will release your name to the media for some pretty heavy exposure. You always wanted to be a star, right?Money. You’ll get $2,500 from the NMSC, and other scholarships from both corporate and college sponsors. In other words, your parents may have to find other uses for the gigantic Stafford Loan they just took out in your name, because you’ll have some cash coming in.Bragging Rights. Since only 0.5 percent of the PSAT-takers receive this illustrious scholarship, you can certainly brag about it for a while. Or at least until someone gets really irritated. That’s it. The NMSQT in a nutshell. Now go study.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Policy, Politics And Public Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Policy, Politics And Public Management - Essay Example These are the factors why the size of interest groups in the real estate increases. The impact of these interest groups, who favor moving not just their residential but also their business functions in New Jersey, is apparent in the state's real estate. Since New Jersey is ideally situated in the heart of major cities and seaports in the country, many sectors in the country become part of the interest group, thus providing innovations in the state. According to Thompson (1999), the major impact of the interest groups in the real estate market of New Jersey owes its credit to the manifold factors including the favorable conditions in the state. In his book, New Jersey: A Big Pearl House, Thompson showed that as interest groups increase by 1%, the real estate industry grows by as high as 5%. This analysis showed that the increase in the size of interest groups in New Jersey is four times directly proportional to the improvements in the real estate market of the state. Thompson also showed that the real estate industry accounts for more than 7.8% of the present improvements in the infrastructure which every citizen in the state enjoys. This only proves the huge impact of interest groups not just in the real estate industry but also in the local economy of the state. Smithso

Globalization in the Context of Ghana Development Prospects Essay

Globalization in the Context of Ghana Development Prospects - Essay Example Ghana’s story, like many African and South American countries, is a story characterized by a mixed fortune of charismatic leadership with a determination to bring economic prosperity within their soil. With a dream of development prospects to the western standards, the original desire of Ghana’s leadership after independence was a state of parity in a record time of ten years under ideological stewardship of Kwame Nkrumah. Even though development was never fully achieved within the period, international political influences remained fully ingrained in the country’s undertakings. From independence upfront, Ghana adopted foreign policy principles and ideals of nonalignment and Pan-Africanism enunciated by Kwame Nkrumah’s tenure. Accordingly, the adoption of nonalignment stand was a counter-strategy measure against the infiltration of antagonistic policies perpetuated by alliances of both the East and West power blocs. On the other end, Pan-Africanism was a c ooperative visionary policy aimed at liberating the continent from Western colonialism and uniting it for a more consolidated economic and political independence (Ofusu par 33). The country’s active participation in the various organizations such as the United Nations, African Union, and ECOWAS is a clear indication of its commitment to the maintenance of friendly relations and cooperation on the basis of mutual respect and noninterference from other countries irrespective of ideological differences.Taking colonialism off their shoulders, the post-independence national reconstruction placed Ghana as a middle-income country by the 1960s, with its citizenry enjoying relatively stable socio-economic standards of living. As fate would have it, political instability coupled with economic mismanagement by the military juntas in the 1970s eroded the positive economic gains at independence, eventually plunging the country into severe socio-economic crisis. As the wee hours of the 197 0s approached, the country’s gross domestic product’s declining rate was alarming, pushing every sector

Friday, October 18, 2019

It Is Important to Identify and Meet the Individual Needs of Learners Research Paper

It Is Important to Identify and Meet the Individual Needs of Learners - Research Paper Example As a teacher, planning is one of the very essential roles as it helps in directing or guiding me in delivering. My planning depends on the various individual needs identified; that prompt me to apply the necessary teaching strategy. This dependency is due to my requirement to ensure that these needs of my students are all properly attended to within my planning. Without this planning, it would be difficult to meet the individual needs of every of my students, and many of them might not follow in line with the curriculum. Therefore, it may result in dissatisfaction and/or de-motivation to the students and me as the students would feel not well catered for and I may feel I have underperformed in my teaching role as a planner. Also, it is a part of my teaching responsibility to allow the involvement of learners in the planning of assessments. Since learners are not to be subjected to surprise tests, I always involve them in the planning process while giving them chances to make their su ggestions. This way, they may not feel put in overwhelming situations. Furthermore, they will have a feeling of a sense of ownership. That way, the planning process can meet every learner’s individual need, by the consideration of different resources that enhance effective and fair test. It is the responsibility of a teacher that requires me to implement/deliver teaching according to design and plan while including diversity and equality promotion. It is essential for educators to recognize the influence of culture on learning.

Business leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Business leadership - Essay Example Its object is to point out weaknesses and errors in order to rectify [them] and prevent recurrence.† The main focus of the controlling function is to make sure that everything is going according to plan and whatever is not going according to plan is fixed up as soon as possible. Modern day function of controlling has become very advanced; the managers are required to have the skill of foreseeing the events which are going to take place; on the other hand the function of controlling was only brought into effect after the problems were detected before the introduction of the modern functions of controlling. When a Manager adopts the method of controlling, he/she should make sure that it is done on a regular basis because controlling is a continuous process and should be carried out on a regular basis in any organization. Another important feature of controlling is that it is closely interrelated to Planning, under the process of planning, the goals are set for an organization and the function of controlling makes sure that those set goals are achieved in this way these two functions are interrelated. This paper will also throw light upon the ten principles of complexity and a conclusion that will sum up the discussing presented in the paper will be arrived upon. Management is quite a complicated task and involves a lot of innovation. The tricks taught in business schools, is flawed and this will be proved in this paper, a comprehensive understanding of â€Å"The Manager’s Job† written by Mintzberg will be presented in this paper. This article explores the different functions of a manager namely, coordinating, planning and controlling. Mintzberg is pretty convinced that the most basic functions of a manager is coordinating, planning and controlling but if a person observes a manager, it will be found that none of these three pivotal aspects of management are actually carried out by a manager. The same is proved with the help of

Thursday, October 17, 2019

David Abram Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

David Abram - Essay Example Abraham goes ahead to state that once human beings accept their bodies, they perforce recognize that they are also animals. Despite the uniqueness in mankind, its place is not above the animated world but instead in its midst. He also disagrees with the view that perception is the act of hearing, being aware or seeing something as perceived remains static, but instead its an interaction between one body and others or things, where there is a sympathetic or symbiosis relationship. He then discusses language which is rooted in the experience of senses. In a nutshell, Abram’s work presents a complex, detailed and good work that defines the existence of humanity. It throws a spanner on the complacency of the perceived truths and replaces them with thoughts that if they are not understood, they will remain open questions. He refers to it as a turning inside out resulting to loosening of the psyche from the confinement of human sphere. Simone de Beauvoir In her study, Ethics of Ambi guity, Simone de Beauvoir begins by presenting the characteristics of oppression, which includes; it removes the oppressed from community members believed to be in authority and can influence decisions and also aims towards the reduction of the oppressed to the status of an object. In his work, he believes that manipulation desire is one of the main ways through which oppression is exercised. Just like Sartre, she holds that the destruction of passion or desire will have a negative consequence for the creation of life and have a purpose in it.

HCA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

HCA - Essay Example Considering the availability and application of various growth and expansion strategies in the health sector, strategic planning is paramount to help in monitoring the progress of implementation and evaluation of different stages as a directive measure of success. Objectives In a bid to improve its productivity in terms of service delivery and improve its competitive advantage in the health sector, HCA intends to improve its economies of scale in areas of management, purchases, production and marketing. In addition, it intends to incorporate new growth and expansion strategies such as telemedicine, mergers and joint ventures and improve on employee satisfaction in a bid to restore clients’ confidence and enhance good governance/organization culture within its institutions. This will improve on resource allocation and enable the management in monitoring the progress of the institution in line with its core objectives of quality delivery of medical services, maintenance of its b usiness position/market share, reputation and profit maximization. Implementation Plan To achieve the above mentioned objectives, the organization requires conducting an intensive environmental scan to ascertain the internal functioning of its institutions, evaluation of its position in relation to the industry’s tasks environment and evaluation of the external macro-environment factors. This will call for evaluation of its technological advancements in the field of nursing and medicine, and analysis of its preparedness to incorporate/absorb the competitive aspect of other stakeholders in the health sector. To achieve and overcome the social aspect of its programs, the organization will analyse health consciousness, population growth rate, and emphasis on career safety and attitude among the employees (Harrison & A.U.P in Health Administration, 2010). To achieve the growth and expansion objective, the organization will look into political and economic factors such as tax poli cy, employment laws, economic growth, inflation rates and environmental regulations of different states and economies where they intend to expand their services. This will be coupled by independent programs by its affiliate institutions through effective budgeting and allocation and mitigation procedures in the respective institutions. There will be funds set aside, from the affiliate institutions, to help in financing new ventures that it intends to open within the United States and abroad. This will be guided by the SWOT analysis in which the organization will evaluate its strengths and weaknesses in relation to forthcoming opportunities and threats. Functional Tactics In order to achieve an effective implementation plan, HCA intends to combine several tactics which will comprehensively meet the needs of stakeholders in the industry. Policy/strategy formulation will rely on the information from the environmental scan which will be matched with the SWOT analysis to evaluate the opt imum strategies. To achieve profitability and competitive advantage, the organization will apply product and services differentiation so as to attract clients from all economic and social backgrounds. This will feature strategies such as lowering costs of medicines and therapies in line with regional needs, differentiating products through mechanization and application of science and technology to promote client satisfaction, and customization of nursing services to be governed by an in-depth understanding of the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

David Abram Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

David Abram - Essay Example Abraham goes ahead to state that once human beings accept their bodies, they perforce recognize that they are also animals. Despite the uniqueness in mankind, its place is not above the animated world but instead in its midst. He also disagrees with the view that perception is the act of hearing, being aware or seeing something as perceived remains static, but instead its an interaction between one body and others or things, where there is a sympathetic or symbiosis relationship. He then discusses language which is rooted in the experience of senses. In a nutshell, Abram’s work presents a complex, detailed and good work that defines the existence of humanity. It throws a spanner on the complacency of the perceived truths and replaces them with thoughts that if they are not understood, they will remain open questions. He refers to it as a turning inside out resulting to loosening of the psyche from the confinement of human sphere. Simone de Beauvoir In her study, Ethics of Ambi guity, Simone de Beauvoir begins by presenting the characteristics of oppression, which includes; it removes the oppressed from community members believed to be in authority and can influence decisions and also aims towards the reduction of the oppressed to the status of an object. In his work, he believes that manipulation desire is one of the main ways through which oppression is exercised. Just like Sartre, she holds that the destruction of passion or desire will have a negative consequence for the creation of life and have a purpose in it.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Vietnam and the Eisenhower Era Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Vietnam and the Eisenhower Era - Essay Example The Vietnam policy of Eisenhower may therefore be summed up under the two following headings: (a) a reluctance to actively go to war in Vietnam using the full power of the American attack force, in spite of the fact that he acknowledged the Communist threat from China in south east Asia. This created domestic political friction within the Republican Party. It caused a split between those who fiercely opposed Communism, favoring full scale war with Vietnam and Eisenhower, who held back for reasons of safety and preventing loss of life in war. (b) using air attacks rather than focusing the strength of the attack on land forces. This created initial setbacks in the war as the Vietnamese showed their superior land power, that later led to the defeat and withdrawal of American forces. This is why the Eisenhower policy is important. All the ambiguities, uncertainty and losses generated during the Vietnam war were due to the policy that was followed by Eisenhower. It also gave the Democrats an opportunity to attack the Republicans for their â€Å"weak† policy in Vietnam because they did not take strong effective action to go to full scale war in Vietnam. Bipartisan politics and bickering was the result. Eisenhower’s policy made the clear cut division between Republican and Democratic to blur and become less well defined. His policy in Vietnam was most unlike the Republican witchhunt of Communists, in fact it was more a pacifying policy like the Democrats had.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Educational psychology Essay Example for Free

Educational psychology Essay Role Responsibility and Relationship in life long learning Definition: Role and responsibilites To teach, asses and plan, deliver, and evaluate The following assignment will discuss the role and responsibility of a teacher in long life learning The role of a teacher in lifelong learning sector is to deliver curriculum set out by the awarding body. Their role is to maintain their responsibilities by providing learners with a suitable and safe environment, health and safety work act1974] recording changes by complying relevant admin ensures records are up to date,plan lessson. Prepare teaching materials, do research. assess learners . keep record of attendance. The main role is to encourage and facilitate communication in such a way that all learners can enter into a wider range surrounding of the topic they have choosen ,ensuring all session aims and objectives, are meaningful . fficeint and effective to learners ensuring the teaching roles incorporates with ongoing administration and assessment, The main responsibility of a teacher in the long life learning is to continually reassess a leaner development, and change during course the and create seamless transition to ensure smooth delivery as learners develop better understanding of aims and objectives ,their needs change and this must be identify in continual reassessment . Teachers responsibility to monitor evaluate and improve quality and effectiveness of their delivery by taking in account learners changing needs. Our responsibility is to keeping up to date in teaching [cpd]. maintaining high standards in your work and conducts, complying with the rules of the organization you are apart of as well as code of practice,every child matters (EMC),be safe ,be healthy. enjoy and achieve. Assess upon induction to the course , this will allow the teacher to pinpoint who needs additional support, Or one to one one choosing a learning style within a group ,considering learners motivation and previous experiences ,help identify various teaching methods ,as good teachers know that not all leaners ability to learn will be the same. The methods i will choose to use will help each learner individually. First step is to assess student include standardized test it can be formal or informal which is from text book or ciurriculum this assessment can give you ideas of their academic level these are some of the teaching methods that can be used [1] direct instruction is not t he most effective method ,inquiry-based learning method which is rapidly gaining popularity in the united state based on scienctific method, this teaching method can be used for virtually all subjects, it takes a lot of energy and planning but often effective, [2]Cooperate learning it another method that is consired highly effective ,where students are put in small groups to work together not group by ability. various teaching method can be used throughtout teaching program session incooperating visual, a visual learner learns through looking at images, mind maps demonstration and body language. Knessthetic learner learns best through doing and intracting ,auditory learns best through spoken words ,ensure all learne rs have an equal opportunity to re-valuate which method will satisfied their need. Maslow hierarchy of needs suggested that if a leaner basic needs are not met then they will not be able to function. The pyramid is useful model for teachers to use in lifelong learning sector to identify learners emotional and physical needs. One of the role of a teacher is to is not meeting his/or her requirement and their could be a need . so we can direct a learner to the right directon we must use our knowledge to structure the lesson plan and classroom enviroment and try to meet as many needs as possible especially safety and esteem . It is important to recognize the differences in the learners we teach as these may influence how we react with them. To act professionally as teachers we will want to ensure that we behave in ways acceptable to all our learners , how we communicate with learners, making sure they understand, use approite vocabulary and termanalogy ,ensure your comment will not be taken discrimmatory ,or offensive and that your body language is approiate ,taking into account race ,gender. age previous experience or background[equality and dirversity] Dirversity is defind by otherness or those human qualities that are different from our own and outside the group to which we belong yet we are present in other individuals or group says [University of Maryland 1995] stating that everyone is different regardless of skin,intellect,talent or years. Equality in education is not about treating everyone the same , it is about giving everyone an equal opportunity, to access learning experiences. In lifelong learning each individual must be treated fair regardless of their learning disability ,as teachers if a learner has a learning diability such as Dysiexia we must provide the leaner within their rights the support they may require such as a scribe to help with literacy/numeracy ,softwares, cd possibly using slide , to help that leaner to complete their work. and achieve their qualification. Involve Learners We need to involve all learners while teaching and so that they understand what is required of them ,this will give them inspiration and confidence to achieve their qualification. We need them to understand what is required of them . uch as getting them to read the criteria of their course the requirement of governing body,they must understand timing so they know how long they are allow to complete a task given and be aware of house rules, not eating and drinking in classroom , respecting rights of others, not being critical or bullying others in the groups. Importance of health and safety act . Evaluation is to review what we taught and wether we provide learners with correct information in the right way so we can continually inprove on teaching in the right way, it heps to understand our learners too As teachers its important to give feed back to learners so they know where they are going and what to improve on whilst working towards their qualification,we can use positive impression encouraging feedback and one of the negative areas to improve on without knocking their confidence. the positive way will motivate the leaner and build their confidence. My role as a tutour in long life learning is to the leaners the awarding body and the institute,college ect,keeping them safe by following , health and safety guidlines , identify individual learning needs ect. supporting their needs emotionally through their learning, promote Eguality and Diversity,learners confidentially,Data proctection. As a tutour my role and responsiblites is to up to date my skills required of us teachers ,in line with polices such as COSHH;and Health and Safety Guidelines then we are of good standard to our learners. My role and responsiblites is to follow the legilslation relating to Health and safety the responsibility to a safe environment to my leaners and myself Health amp;Safety Act 1999. Manual Operation. Management of the health amp;safety at work. Coshh, d isability Discrimination Act1995. code of practice special education needs. Equality Act 2006 There are professional boundries that we have to follow as teachers in lifelong sectors and must not cross. not socialise with learners talking about their personal affairs. exchanging contacts numbers . going out on dates if a learner has a person problem like domestic abuse they need to be reffered to the person in the institution which would give them the most suitable advise .

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Marketing Management Assignment At Tescos Business Commerce Essay

Marketing Management Assignment At Tescos Business Commerce Essay The biggest private supermarket Tesco has more than 360000 employees all over the world .More than 80% of total sales are from England. Tesco runs more than 2,300 supermarkets, hypermarkets, and convenience stores in the UK. Tesco is the market leader in grocery. Tesco also provides the facilities of online market. They are promotion their business with the help of television and other retail based education centre. Tesco operates more than 10 countries including Korea ,China and Japan .They have recently opened their branches in Us .They have expanded their market in four kind of storage range which are Tesco metro which is established in big city and town. Where we can buy a lot of food items. Tesco super store, which is wide range of non- food items Tesco extra is generally food and non food items including the seasonal items. Now days, Tesco is a market leader in UK supermarket sector. Tesco express has located small areas where we can buy fresh local food. Swot analysis Swot analysis is the most important and first stage of planning. It is a feedback mechanism to make new strategies for any organisation. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats are the four components of a swot analysis. Weaknesses and Strengths are correlated and examine the internal part of the business analysis whereas Opportunities and Threats deal with the external environment of business operation. Weaknesses and strengths refer to aspect of marketing, finance, manufacturing or organisational structure. Swot analysis helps clarifies the objectives of the organisation. Strength of Tesco Good reputation among the costumer. Strong financial support. Good and healthy environment and low cost policy. Awareness of brand. Global market and same production but different quality base on diversity stake holders. Global leader in online grocery sales. Diverse range product and 24 hour open. On line shopping and Diversification Weakness of Tesco International brand and local competitors. Lack of enough self services. Lack of experiences on local market. Not good location. Lack of good quality. Opportunities of Tesco A strong customer demand and good services. Arrival of new technologies. International expansion. Increases stakeholders and globalizations market.. Low cost market. Threats of Tesco Strong competitive market. New regulations and increased trade barrier. High Competition for customers and resources. Changing social trends. Marketing Objective of Tesco The biggest supermarkets might have the following objectives. More than 20% target in market share. More than 10% target in terms of operations margin. Customer sponsorship and encouragements. Employee motivation and performance management. Respected corporation(the number of stakeholders who respect Tesco) Tesco manager must ensure that its sets SMART marketing objectives, which are measurable, timely limited, attainable and relevant. Marketing Strategy of Tesco After the market research Tesco manager applied retail strategy to find who their customers are in each market and what they want now and in the future. Tesco execute all the retail process system and trade system of government that enables them to express to the customer. Tesco manager wants to find out the customer needs and satisfaction and he give it to them. Tesco manager helped to extend a succession of supermarket from being an unbeneficial also ran to being market leader with a 33% market share and a 4% base line. Tesco manager keep together teams of consultant that had developed all the strategies that Tesco and the worldwide leading retailers supermarkets. Tesco flow the retail strategy into their market to find out who their customers are, what they want, but above all can actually deliver consistently to the customer. . Tesco has a clear strategy, with growth being pursue from four areas; The core UK grocery business, Non-food, International expansion and Retailing services such as financial services packages. Essentially, Tesco is using its heavy firm core to maintain the business instant over as it forge new riskier areas of growth. Pushing further into non-food in the next phase Lidl and Aldi are currently destroying the bazaar by selling the products lower cost price. Therefore, Tescos basic strategy will have to be cost leadership, unless Tesco manager can successfully differentiate their line of clothing so that they can charge a premium price. Tesco have adopted an environmental open policy. It will assist them to attain a more environmentally conscious representation .They have continued to lower prices and raise their manufactured goods ranges year on year. That is an example of Tesco cost-leadership strategy as well as capability to lock in customers any marketing strategy will involve analysing the markets, customer needs and satisfaction, and which products to offer. These strategies are implemented through marketing plans, which involve detailed decisions about factors such as the price and the way of product distributed. So Tesco must decide on its model of entry in terms of, own stores, Internet selling or joint venture with an existing national retailer. Strategic Analysis of Tesco Tesco managers face so many obstacles in trying to find out the environments and its threats. First obstacle is environment of Tesco. Environment creates many different influences and it makes sense of this diversity in a way which is direct concern and contributes to make strategy decision. The second difficult is changing new technology and speed of global communication, for analysing the environment we have to auditing the environmental influence on business. It is important that what kind of environment influence have been face in past. And the extent to which can make only of these more or less significant in the future for any employers and their competitors. In past analysis we have to analyze its factor and influence on an organization. Such kind of influence is a growing trend of organization towards globalisation and possible future of organization. It helps to consider the existing strategic which might need to change. Pest analysis Political/legal Political factors can have a direct impact on the way business operation. In political factors includes governments regulations and legal issues which defined formal and informal rules Governments tax policy. Health and safety law. New governments law and policy. Political situation and governments stability. Employment law, politician trade and labour union. Economic factors It is true that all business is affected by economic factors of country. Economics factors affected the purchasing power of customers. Per -Capita income and interest rate. Trade union and economic condition of nation. Government lone, money supply interest rates. Economic crisis. Unemployment rate of country. 3) Socio cultural factors Social factors include the demographic and cultural aspects. Social factors direct affected customer and needs and size of customer in potential markets Mobility of society. New remarkable change in human life style. Education level and different culture and society. Different attitudes and social trends. Social transfer, Tradition perception and new globalization world. 4) Technological New changeable technology is being more challenging for any organisations and it is changing the way business operates. Some technological factors that direct related to Tesco are: The rate of changing technology. New scientific attitude and miss use. Nuclear innovation, its fear and effect on globalization market. The Rates of obsolescence and Government investment and focus on technology effort. In 2008 Update on Tesco UK Online Market Share was: Tesco 27.1% Asda 10.1% Aldi (which doesnt sell online) 9.5% Sainsburys 6.9% Waitrose / Ocado on 4.2% The above table shows that Tesco is more successful and market leaders organization in UK (in terms of market share) Business scorecard of Tesco We can define the business scorecard as performance management tool, which began as a concept for determine whether the first scale outcomes in terms of Tesco vision and strategy. It helps to Tesco for define the value, mission and SWOT analysis. The business scorecard is base on for perspective; Financial status of the Tesco. The internal process of the Tesco. The level of customer satisfaction of Tesco. Education and development process of Tesco. The main area of financial perspective is return on investment, cash flow, return on capital employees and financial results of Tesco. Internal business process shows that number of activities per function, duplicate activities across function, process arrangement and process bottlenecks. In customer satisfaction level we can define quality and delivery performance to customer, customer satisfaction and retention rate and customer overflow in market. Job satisfaction, employee turnover, learning opportunities and accurate level of skill for the job are the area of education and development process. The implementation of business scorecards The business scorecard must consequence in: Enhanced process of Tesco. Encouraged workers. Improved information system. Monitored development. Huge customer approval. Improved monetary convention. l l Conclusion Any marketing strategy will involve analysing the markets, customer needs and satisfaction, and which products to offer. These strategies are implemented through marketing plans, which involve detailed decisions about factors such as the price and the way of product distributed. So Tesco must decide on its model of entry in terms of, own stores, Internet selling or joint venture with an existing national retailer Tesco is the marker leader in food retail on the current market situation. It more than 2000 supermarket, hypermarkets and convenience store in the UK, Ireland, central Europe and Asia. The objective vision and strategy of Tesco are cleared. Especially the case study is focus on Tesco strategy and its business scorecard, which determine the performance management tools. Business scorecard helps to Tesco for define the value and its four prospective. Tesco has the different marketing strategy; Tescos basic strategy will have to be cot leadership and growth. Tesco want to be a bet supermarket in its stakeholder perception so it complies with law and ethnical standard. Tesco maintain clean organized culture and respect to customers. We can found that Tesco plc marketing strategy is different and sample then other local supermarkets. They flow different policy and management process in each store.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Essay on the Structure of William Faulkners A Rose for Emily

The Structure of A Rose for Emily    William Faulkner's "A Rose for Emily" is a story that uses flashbacks to foreshadow a surprise ending. The story begins with the death of a prominent old woman, Emily, and finishes with the startling discovery that Emily as been sleeping with the corpse of her lover, whom she murdered, for the past forty years. The middle of the story is told in flashbacks by a narrator who seems to represent the collective memory of an entire town. Within these flashbacks, which jump in time from ten years past to forty years past, are hidden clues which prepare the reader for the unexpected ending, such as hints of Emily's insanity, her odd behavior concerning the deaths of loved ones, and the evidence that the murder took place. Without bluntly saying it, Faulkner, in several instances, hints that Emily has gone mad. At a few points in the story, the narrator mentions Emily's Great Aunt Wyatt, who "had gone completely crazy at last" (paragraph 25). This is the narrator's insinuation that insa... ...was a desperate act of a lonely, insane woman who could not bear to loose him. The structure of this story, however, is such that the important details are delivered in almost random order, without a clear road map that connects events. The ending comes as a morbid shock, until a second reading of the story reveals the carefully hidden details that foreshadow the logical conclusion. Works Cited Faulkner, William. "A Rose for Emily". An Introduction to Literature, 11th ed. Ed. Barnet, Sylvan, et al. 287-294. Essay on the Structure of William Faulkner's A Rose for Emily The Structure of A Rose for Emily    William Faulkner's "A Rose for Emily" is a story that uses flashbacks to foreshadow a surprise ending. The story begins with the death of a prominent old woman, Emily, and finishes with the startling discovery that Emily as been sleeping with the corpse of her lover, whom she murdered, for the past forty years. The middle of the story is told in flashbacks by a narrator who seems to represent the collective memory of an entire town. Within these flashbacks, which jump in time from ten years past to forty years past, are hidden clues which prepare the reader for the unexpected ending, such as hints of Emily's insanity, her odd behavior concerning the deaths of loved ones, and the evidence that the murder took place. Without bluntly saying it, Faulkner, in several instances, hints that Emily has gone mad. At a few points in the story, the narrator mentions Emily's Great Aunt Wyatt, who "had gone completely crazy at last" (paragraph 25). This is the narrator's insinuation that insa... ...was a desperate act of a lonely, insane woman who could not bear to loose him. The structure of this story, however, is such that the important details are delivered in almost random order, without a clear road map that connects events. The ending comes as a morbid shock, until a second reading of the story reveals the carefully hidden details that foreshadow the logical conclusion. Works Cited Faulkner, William. "A Rose for Emily". An Introduction to Literature, 11th ed. Ed. Barnet, Sylvan, et al. 287-294.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Environmental Sustainable Practices

ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABLE PRACTICES Contents Page Part 1: Investigate current practices in relation to resource usage. | Page Number| 1. 1 Outline the government and regulatory bodies both internationally, nationally and in Victoria that have devised environmental laws. Explain what they do and what laws and regulations they have implemented and outline each law and regulation briefly. | 4,5| 1. 2 Explain the role of the local government in devising environmental laws and regulations, research your own local council and outline what laws and regulations they have implemented. | 5| 1. Briefly outline the role of Industry bodies in devising and managing environmental laws and regulations. | 6| 1. 4a) Discuss why organisations comply with environmental regulations and best practice. | 6| 1. 4b) Outline how organisations would go about assessing their compliance to environmental regulations and best practices, attach documentation that they would use to do this. | 7| 1. 4c) Explain how a n organisation would go about developing an Environmental Management Plan, what is the purpose of the plan and what should be incorporated in the plan and how will the plan be monitored? | 7| 1. d) Outline how organisations would measure resource usage and what benefits such measures would bring about in the long term for the organisation. | 8| Part 2: Set targets for improvements| Page Number| 2. 1 Discuss why organisations need to engage and seek input from a wide range of stakeholders when implementing effective sustainable work practices. | 8| 2. 2 Outline some of the key stakeholders that an organisation would seek input from and explain the type of input they would provide. | 8| 2. 3 Discuss the consultation methods that organisations can use to maximize the stakeholder feedback.What are the benefits or each? | 9| 2. 4 Outline external sources of information and data that an organisation may access and how it could utilise the information to implement effective sustainable pra ctices| 9| 2. 5 Outline the purpose of efficiency targets in implementing effective sustainable work practices, and give examples of efficiency targets that an organisation may implement. | 10| 2. 6 Discuss the merit of promoting efficiency targets to key stakeholders and how this may be undertaken by organisations. | 10| Contents Page Part 3: Implement performance improvement practices| Page Number| 3. ‘As part of the process, techniques and tools must be applied to assist employees with workplace procedures for implementing sustainable work practices’ Discuss this statement and outline the techniques and tools an organisation may use, their purpose and when they would be relevant. | 11| 3. 2 Outline the purpose of environmental and resource efficiency improvement plans and discuss what they should incorporate. | 12| 3. 3 Explain the role of the supervision/team leader in supervising and supporting team members to identify possible areas of non-compliance and improved work practices. | 12| 3. ‘Organisations are now looking at incorporating new accounting practices to completely reflect the value of the environment as an asset’ Outline the different costs recognized and when they may be used. | 12,13| Part 4: Monitor performance| Page Number| 4. 1 ‘Evaluating, monitoring and reviewing are important steps in continuous improvement cycle. The feedback, positive or negative, demonstrates whether the actions the organisation has taken to improve its environmental performance have had the desired impact’ Discuss the five steps organisations can use to evaluate/monitor performance. 13| 4. 2 Outline and explain how audit documentation and processes could be employed to monitor performance of organisations in implementing environmental sustainable practices. | 14| 4. 3 What methods could an organisation employ to communicate the outcomes of audits on efficiency targets to key personnel and stakeholders. | 14| 4. 4 ‘Once the audit outcome have been reported new efficiency targets, tools and strategies should be set by organisations’ Explain why and how this is done. | 14,15| 4. 5 ‘Monitoring performance may also identify successful strategies. How and why should organisations go about promoting these and why is a necessary step to reward participants. | 15| 1. 1 The following are the regulatory bodies both international, national and within Victoria: Kyoto Protocol The Kyoto Protocol is an international agreement linked to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The major feature of the Kyoto Protocol is that it sets binding targets for 37 industrialised countries and the European community for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.The major distinction between the Protocol and the Convention is that while the Convention encouraged industrialised countries to stabilize GHG emissions, the Protocol commits them to do so. At an international level the Kyoto Protocol act t o ensure that the global environment is protected and by devising an international agreement in which commits participating developed countries to reduce amounts of greenhouse gas emissions being exposed to the environment they ensure potential harm to the environment is minimised.The Kyoto Protocol is a regulation in which governments voluntarily ratify to agree to, although once agreed, the country must comply with the national guidelines set or else heavy penalties apply. As countries with commitments under the Kyoto Protocol to limit or reduce greenhouse gas emissions must meet their targets primarily through national measures, as an additional means of meeting these targets, the Kyoto Protocol introduced three market-based mechanisms in which are known as the â€Å"carbon market. †Ã‚  The mechanisms are: Emissions Trading, The Clean Development Mechanism and the Joint Implementation.The Kyoto mechanisms help stimulate sustainable development through technology transfer a nd investment, help countries with Kyoto commitments to meet their targets by reducing emissions or removing carbon from the atmosphere in other countries in a cost-effective way and encourage the private sector and developing countries to contribute to emission reduction efforts. Commonwealth Laws The Commonwealth laws are devised at the highest level of government in Australia, and the department in which administer these laws at a national level is the Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts.The department is responsible for implementing the Australian Government's policies to protect the environment and heritage, and to promote a sustainable way of life. There are five councils in which report to the department and administer legislations and acts to conserve the environment, these councils include: National Environment Protection Council, Environment Protection and Heritage Council, Ministerial Council on Energy, National Resource Management Ministerial Coun cil and the Primary Industries Ministerial Council.Regulations in which the Department have implemented include the Environment Protection (Sea Dumping) Act 1981, this Act ensures the waters surrounding Australia's coastlines are protected from wastes and pollutions that are dumped at sea. The Sea Dumping Act regulates the loading and dumping of waste at sea and fulfils Australia's international obligations under the London Protocol to prevent marine pollution by dumping of wastes and other matter.In order to ensure the act is effective, permits are required from the department for all ocean disposal activities (these could include dumping of vessels, burials at sea etc). These permits are further analysed by the Department in order to ensure environmental measures are being considered and taken into action. Environment Protection Authority (EPA) The EPA is the department responsible for governing environmental laws within Victoria, they provide acts which require organisations have to comply with and are responsible for monitoring and enforcement of a corporations environmental sustainability efforts.The State Environment Protection Policies (SEPPs) are subordinate legislations in which are made under the provisions of the (Environment Protection Act 1970) by the EPA. SEPPs aims to provide safety to the environmental values and human activities that need protection in the state of Victoria from the effects of pollution and waste. Acts administered by the EPA include: the Environment Protection Act 1970, Pollutions of Waters by oils and Noxious substances Act 1986 and the National Environment Protection Council (Victoria) Act 1995.The Environment Protection Act 1970 deals with the whole of the environment in a systematic and integrated approach with the basic philosophy of preventing pollution and environmental damage by setting environmental quality objectives and establishing programs to meet them. The Pollutions of Waters by oils and noxious substances Act 1970 is an Act jointly administered by the EPA and the Department of Transport and its main purpose is to protect the sea and other waters from pollution by oil and noxious substances.The National Environment Protection Council (Victoria) act 1995 establishes the National Environment Protection Council which comprises a Minister from the Commonwealth and each state and territory in Australia. The main objective of the National Environment Protection Council is to ensure people within Australia are protected from air, water, noise and soil pollution through the implementation of major environment protection measures. 1. Role of the local government in devising environmental laws and regulations The role of the local government in relation to devising environmental laws and regulations is to assist organisations and the community to not only comply but also understand and develop sound environmental policies and procedures and ensure guidelines in place are followed in order to protec t the environment. Environmental protection is a key role for local government in Australia and environmental management is a core function for all local governments.Local government across Australia has been active in greenhouse and Climate Change action for around a decade. Local government is uniquely placed to work closely with the community to facilitate greenhouse reduction and to provide leadership through greenhouse emission reductions in Council operations. As a member of the community within Preston the local council within the area is Darebin City Council. Darebin's Environment Policy states that Darebin Council will aim for its own operations to be ecologically, socially and economically sustainable and that it will be a sustainability promoting organisation within the Darebin community.The Policy identifies a number of ‘Stretch Goals’ that provide the guiding framework for more immediate targets, management and action which include: zero pollution, zero was te, zero habitat destruction, zero climate damage and zero soil degradation. In order to assist the community of Preston, Darebin City Council provides newsletters, factsheets and brochures which act to promote sustainability practices to individuals within the community. REFER TO ATTACHMENT 1 –BROCHURE 1. 3 Industry bodiesThe role of industry bodies in relation to setting and managing environmental laws and regulations is to provide industries with possible work practices and guidelines in which organisations can adopt in becoming environmentally sustainable within their workplace. Industry bodies are developed to represent not only employees but also small and large scale organisations in implementing sustainable work practices in relation to complying with relevant Acts and Regulations within their business industry.Two industry bodies known within Australia are the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) and the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI). The AC TU is a union in which protects Australian workers and their families by providing support to workers in organisations financially and within their work environments. They ACTU work to represent employees’ rights at work within Australia and act as a middle band in voicing their problems and finding solutions in relation to the way their organisation work in their operations in becoming environmentally sustainable.The ACCI’s policy agenda reflects the collective views, perceptions and concerns of Australian businesses whether they are a small business or a large scale organisation. They handle matters to assist and speak on behalf of these small or large scale businesses and are an authority in which act as the essential connection between industry, governments, regulators and influential policy forums. 1. 4a Organisation compliance It is essential that organisations comply with environmental regulations as the Acts and Regulations developed by governing bodies are bou nd laws in which require all organisations to follow.If organisations fail to comply with the relevant environmental regulations serious breaches could affect future operations and furthermore reflect on the organisations image as a whole. It is common within Australian organisations today that stakeholders or an organisation have a vested interest in the way in which the organisation commit themselves in becoming environmentally sustainable through their work practices. If organisations do not comply with environmental regulations and best practice, it also acts as a threat to the rganisations internal and external stakeholders. For example customers can discontinue purchasing the products and services the organisation provide due to the fact that they fail to comply with relevant environmental rules and regulations. Employees are the internal stakeholders who prefer to work for organisations that are environmentally responsible and adhere to rules and regulations; therefore by an organisation committing themselves to acknowledge their impact on the environment they decrease the risk of losing important and needed stakeholders.Rules and regulations developed by regulatory bodies are developed in order to also safeguard the community as well as protect the environment, therefore an organisation in which resists complying with set rules and regulations create a negative image and are seen as a threat to the community. 1. 4b Organisations assessing their compliance In order to assess whether the organisation is complying with relevant environmental regulations and best practices they will need to assess which permits or licences that they may need and therefore will require to conduct an audit on their operations.An audit of the organisations operations must include the business activities, the size of the organisation in terms of human resources and premises, their current energy usage levels, the location of all its premises, the potential environmental impact s, the pollutants the organisation is likely to emit and proposed methods to minimise these pollutants, the disposal waste and proposed methods to minimise environmental damage and the lastly the organisations commitment to environmental sustainability in order to limit its ecological footprint.Once the audit is established, the organisation can then go to relevant authorities to assist with ensuring that the licences or permits obtained ensure compliance with relevant laws the organisation needs to operate under. It is also best practice for an organisation to document their policies and procedures, address environmental obligations and demonstrate how it will reduce resource usage in order to ensure compliance with environmental legislations is consistent. 1. c Environmental Management Plan Environmental Management Plans are important as it allows an organisation to formally document their policies and procedures in order to address their environmental obligations and further demo nstrate exactly how they will reduce resource wastage. It is an effective tool to use when becoming an environmentally responsible organisation as they can also include guidelines in which the organisation plan to implement in order to increase their resource efficiency.In order for an organisation to develop an Environmental Management Plan they would firstly need to gather information from a variety of sources which may include examining the current procedures and systems the organisation has in place, examining the legal compliance requirements, researching environmental plans of competitors and other companies, seeking assistance of best practice guidelines from environmental regulators and surveying customers and other important stakeholders for their input.Secondly after relevant information is gathered, the organisation would need to analyse it and make considerations in relation to whether the information is relevant in becoming environmentally sustainable. Once analysis has been conducted on relevant areas within the organisation, the next step is for the organisation to start building ideas and information on the likely improvements that could assist the organisation in improving its ecological footprint and reducing resource usage.The information collated has to be documented in order for stakeholders to fully understand the suggested improvements through the Environmental Management Plan. In order for the plan to be monitored a monitoring report card can be used in order measure the progress of the report and informs management on how effective the plan is. 1. 4d Benefits of resource usage In order for an organisation to measure its resource usage an effective tool as mentioned earlier are audits.Audits can measure the manner in which the business conducts its activities and details the rate at which the organisation uses its resources. The benefit of conducting audits allows the employees and the organisation to become aware of the current rate of resource usage and use these documents to compare future improvements. By documenting the rates at which the organisation uses their resources, it creates opportunities for future plans to be made in order to lower the organisations usage rates and develop effective strategies in order to become environmentally sustainable. . 1 Seeking input from stakeholders In order to implement effective sustainable work practices it is important to gain input from a range of stakeholders of an organisation. All stakeholders must be considered especially when considering or proposing innovation or change within an organisation, as the changes implemented may impact stakeholders in different ways. It is important that key stakeholders are considered when implementing sustainable work practices as changes may impact these certain key stakeholders within the operations of the organisation.For example customers or clients need to be considered as they provide the income that sustains the organisatio n and therefore the changes in which the organisation aim to adopt within their operations in becoming environmentally sustainable may change the end product or service produced somehow. Therefore it is important to gain input from the proposed suggestions and ensure that all stakeholders are aware of changes in place. 2. 2 Key stakeholdersThe following is a list of key stakeholders in which an organisation would seek input from and the input they will provide: – Customers or clients: They may be able to provide feedback in relation to what improvements the organisation can make in order to assist in building the organisation’s image on being flexible and outward-looking in order to become sustainable. -Suppliers: Suppliers will be able to provide information on new products and systems that are environmentally sound.As suppliers rely on the organisation for income they will be work with the organisation to ensure it achieves its objectives of becoming environmentally sustainable. -Members within the work group or team: As employees work internally within the organisations and handle the operations sector, feedback may be gathered on how the organisation can improve their operations in order to minimise resource usage. -Regulators such as the local council- They may provide suggestions on ways in which an organisation can decrease resource usage and how to improve work practices. . 3 Consultation methods A range of methods in which can be used in order to consult with stakeholders to maximise feedback are suggestion boxes provided within the workplace, these can give all employees the opportunity to share their points of view on changes the organisation can adopt in becoming sustainable. Also forums for members of the community or shareholders to attend, forums allow members of the community or valued shareholders to openly comment on the practices of the organisation and make further suggestions for improvements.Another consultation methods is b y holding meeting with customers or suppliers, this creates an opportunity for customers or suppliers to provide feedback on particular procedures of processes the organisation has adopted and therefore discuss areas that may need improvements in order to enhance the image of the organisation. Another method in which organisations can use to consult and gather feedback with staff is by distributing feedback surveys, this will enable staff to provide ideas or comment on how effective current work practices are within the organisation. 2. External sources of information External sources of information and data in which an organisation may access in order to identify how to utilise the information to implement effective sustainable practices are: -Triple bottom line reporting: An organisation can research how other organisations conduct triple bottom line reporting through accessing information via their corporate website. Organisations can access information about how similar organisa tions have implemented strategies, what targets they set and how they go about achieving those targets in relation to the environmental sustainability.By analysing what other organisation do, this helps gather ideas and concepts in which may be adapted within an organisations processes in becoming environmentally friendly and setting targets for future improvements. -Government and regulatory bodies: Regulatory bodies can provide organisations with best practice guidelines in which can be used as effective measures when incorporating practices in order to enhance environmental sustainability within business operations. – Industry associations: Industry bodies will be able to also advise organisation on best practice guidelines in which they can use to implement sustainable practices.Industry associations may also regularly conduct seminars and training which could include vital information for organisation to use such as how to set targets and improve sustainable practices. T he seminars are most effective as they provide valuable information where industry experts often speak on the importance of environmental accountability and share real life solutions which can benefit the organisation when considering what practices to implement in order to become environmentally sustainable. 2. 5 Efficiency targets Efficiency targets are aspects in which an organisation overall aim to achieve.Organisations usually set efficiency targets after evaluating all energy efficiency ideas. The purpose of these targets when implementing effective sustainable work practices is that is gives an organisation direction in what they aim to achieve in becoming environmentally friendly. They outline the objectives in which the organisation aim to achieve in long term and are an example to all stakeholders of how the organisation is committed in setting changes through their work practices in order adopt to the changes of our natural environment.The targets set must be measurable, meaning organisations must ensure they can analyse how effectively they are working towards achieving these targets. Efficiency targets demonstrate to not only internal stakeholders but also the community on how the organisation is committed to change and are willing to improve accordingly to current environmental impacts. Efficiency targets usually reflect the aims and objectives of the Environmental Plan of an organisation and are specific in relation to the organisations goals.An example of an efficiency target set by Linfox as is a â€Å"50% carbon reduction by 2015†. Referring to task 20, I used Linfox as an example of an organisation in which set a target which is firstly measurable, provides direction for the organisation and is a symbol demonstrating their commitment in becoming environmentally sustainable. REFER TO ATTACHMENT 2 – LINFOX EFFICIENCY TARGETS 2. 6 Promote efficiency targets The benefit of promoting efficiency targets to key stakeholders is gaining the support of these stakeholders where they can contribute to the overall uccess in which the organisation aim to achieve. By having support this enables organisations to effectively work towards the targets and objectives they set out to reach. By communicating the targets to relevant stakeholders this marks a further commitment by the organisation to improving its ecological footprint as the information is released to the public domain and acts as a motivator for the organisation to meet the targets in order to avoid failure.Some methods which could be considered when communicating targets to relevant stakeholders within the internal environment of the organisation are internal newsletters, emails to internal parties from the Managing Director or CEO of the organisation, posters announcing the targets or staff meetings to create full awareness of the targets.In order to communicate the efficiency targets set to external stakeholders (being clients or customers, suppliers, shareh olders, investors, government/regulatory bodies and local media) could be a letter from Managing Director/CEO announcing its new plan and efficiency targets set, an official launch, community consultation forums, within the annual report or on the organisations public website. 3. 1 Techniques and tools The statement clearly outlines the importance of using techniques and tools as they benefit employees by helping them gain an understanding of how to follow procedures in order to implement sustainable work practices.As employees play a vital role in helping the organisation achieve efficiency targets set, they must have a full understanding of the procedures in place in order to effectively commit themselves within work operations in becoming sustainable. In order for employees to gain a full understanding of the procedures in place, the following strategies, tools and techniques may be used: -Environmental Management Plans (EMP): They are a detailed plan in which can be used in orde r to source the ways in which issues can be addressed within the workplace.Employees can use their organisation EMP to address areas in relation to sustainability practices within their workplace and cross-reference the information with the organisation’s strategic and operational plan. -Policies and Procedures: These are written documents which are directed at work place practices in which all employees must follow as a part of their duties in increasing resource efficiency. Checklists: This is a useful tool when either examining or recording resources within the workplace, or recording energy usage rates when ensuring all environmental impacts identified in the workplace are considered within the Environmental Management Plan. Checklists allow organisations to identify what resources are being used constantly and remind employees of their responsibility to ensure they are adopting sustainable work practices within the organisation. REFER TO ATTACHMENT 3 – EXAMPLE OF RESOURCE AUDIT CHECKLIST Training: Training ensures employees are fully aware of the legislation relevant to their work practices within the organisation and are useful when educating employees on implementing the policies and procedures. Through training programs employees are able to gain a clear understanding of the importance of the organisations Environmental Management Plan and therefore are more likely to support the organisations attempts to meet its targets through sustainable work practices. Meetings: Meetings are effective in delivering tools and techniques within the workplace as they can be used to introduce to employees new policies and procedures and also include an explanation on their relevance to the organisations objectives in becoming environmentally sustainable. The more in which time is delegated to educate employees this enhances the likeliness of achieving goals set. 3. 2 Resource efficiency improvement plans Environmental and resource efficiency improvement plans is a major part within the cycle of an organisations efforts to make continuous improvements.Resource efficiency plans are developed in order for work groups who operate within their sector to contribute in reaching their targets as a stepping stone in order to reach the overall objective set by the organisation. Environmental and resource efficiency improvement plans should incorporate legal requirements for execution; this ensures legal compliance is fully understood by all stakeholders in correspondence to the duties of the workgroup.The improvement plans should also incorporate the acceptance of policy by internal stakeholders, which promotes communication with employees in order to produce feedback, commitment and a greater sense of loyalty to the organisation. As well as acceptance of the policy by internal stakeholder the improvement plans must also have clearly defined reporting lines and areas of responsibility where all components need to be allocated to a responsibl e officer in order to also ensure effective implementation of the Environmental Management Plan. 3. Role of supervision/team leader It is the role of supervision or team leaders to encourage and empower employees to suggest improvements within the workplace as a part of continuous improvement processes. As well as encouraging and empowering employees, supervisors should also work to improve environmental performance within workplace operation in relation to the organisation’s efforts in becoming sustainable. Opportunities for improvements can be recognised by supervisors by conducting audits to evaluate environmental performance for permits and licences.As organisations may need to apply or reapply for permits or licences, this allows supervisors to encourage staff to voice their ideas and ensure their observations are not going unnoticed. Another method supervisors could use in order to identify possible areas of non-compliance is by debriefing after breaches, by doing so th is enables supervisors to develop a clear outline of reasons in which the issues arose. Furthermore they can gain information to ensure similar situations do not arise again; during this process it is important for team members to be encouraged by team leaders or supervisors to voice their opinions and make suggestions.Another method in order for supervisors or team leaders to support team members to identify improved work practices is by holding monthly resource efficiency meetings. These meetings allow team members to openly make suggestions and initiate new ideas in order for possible changes to be adopted within the organisation to implement effective sustainable work practices. 3. 4 Costs Different costs in which could be recognised when organisations are incorporating accounting practices in becoming sustainable within the workplace are total-cost accounting and full-cost accounting.Total-cost accounting is a method in which analyses the fixed costs in order to identify the to tal cost of production. When using this method it is evident that the costs vary according to the level of environmental resources being used within the workplace. Full-cost accounting differentiates in relation to the traditional method of costing, as it looks at all the costs in which go into the goods and services in which the organisation provide (including environmental sustainability development costs).This costing system incorporates the hidden costs such as environmental permits, operating costs such as equipment, contingency costs such as estimates of fines or penalties in case of breaches to the environment, outlays which are costs that may be incurred over a period of time and goodwill costs which are the costs that build the organisations image such as promoting the organisations recycling efforts. 4. 1 Evaluating/Monitoring PerformanceThe five steps in which organisation can use to evaluate and monitor their performance are as follows: 1) Firstly the organisation must e stablish benchmarks; this is the first step in evaluating the organisations performance. By establishing benchmarks it allows the organisation to decide on the performance standard in which they can use to further measure their results. Benchmarking is comparing the results of an organisations internal performance competitor’s performance and industry standards in order to determine its success. ) The second step is measuring performance; this is a simple step and can be done by using methods of non-compliance briefings, workplace inspections and compliance reviews. When organisations have systems in place in which gather data, it allows them to identify whether targets have been met, are in the progress of being met or have not been met at all. 3) The thirds step is checking the progress of the organisations performance against the efficiency targets been set.Once the performance of the organisation is measured, the organisation must then conduct a comparison between the act ual performance against the standard which was established in relation to improvements in becoming environmentally sustainable through work practices. 4) The fourth step is investigation; here reasons as to why targets have not been achieved are discovered. If the targets have been met then the underlying processes in which made the progression effective are established. This step enables organisations to develop recommendation for the next phase of evaluating performance being corrective action. ) Within the last phase corrective action, after having to review the measurement of the target and checking the progress as well as making further investigations, the organisation should be prepared to take corrective action in order to evaluate ways in which they can enhance their environmental performance. Aspects in which organisations need to consider when undertaking corrective action are whether there was enough data to make informed decisions, what the best corrective action is, how the action should be implemented and what targets should be set to ensure the corrective action is taken.The above steps are important and a major component of the continuous improvement cycle. It analyses possible mistakes made and is a part of the learning process for an organisation to further develop and alter its behaviour accordingly. 4. 2 Audit documentation Audit documentation could be employed to monitor performance of organisations in implementing environmental sustainable practices as it determines improvements in which an organisation can use in order to become environmentally sustainable within their work practices.By using am audit it contributes to an organisations efforts in making continuous improvements as it is used to revise the target progress and furthermore analyse recommendations in which could be used to assist an organisation in reaching targets. Organisations may use audit documentation within incident reports and also as reference material when analysing how effective they have been in reaching set targets.Audits assist organisations to decide on sustainable practices in which could be implemented within the workplace to improve environmental performance once conducted. REFER TO ATTACHMENT 4 – AUDIT DOCUMENTATION 4. 3 Communicating outcomes It is important that organisations communicate to key personnel and stakeholders the outcome of audits in relation to efficiency targets being met, in order to communicate the outcomes this can be done through target efficiency reports or quarterly efficiency meetings.Target efficiency reports provide detailed information outlining the organisations actual achievements in comparison to the targets set. The reports demonstrate to key personnel and stakeholders whether the organisation is making progress in accordance to targets set or if improvements need to be implemented within work practices in relation to reaching efficiency targets and becoming environmentally sustainable.Quarterly ef ficiency meeting are also an effective tool to communicate with stakeholders of the progress made by the organisation as the organisation will be able to outline within the meetings where possible improvements can be made and can highlight work groups that are under performing or performing to an excellent level. Also by holding efficiency meeting to discuss outcomes of audits on efficiency targets, here feedback can be gathered from employees or relevant stakeholders in order to contribute to changes in which can be adopted by the organisation to improve their environmental performance. . 4 New efficiency targets, tools and strategies New efficiency targets can be set for many reasons; some of these reasons are due to the fact that organisations may have performed to an excellent standard that new targets need to be established, or an organisation may have found problems in their efforts in becoming innovative as there may have been gaps evident within the procedures they implement ed. Whether it be either of the above reasons, it is necessary for organisations to develop new targets and tools and strategies in order to reach these targets.Steps in which can be taken to create new targets are by: -Conducting investigation on current work practices in place which may contribute to problems that may be faced when reaching the new target. -Analyse and evaluate the new efficiency target as well as make relevant recommendations. -Start to plan how the organisation will implement the processes in order to reach the new target. -Continuously monitor and evaluate the performance of the organisation in relation to the target set. REFER TO ATTCHMENT 5 – EXAMPLE OF NEW EFFICIENCY TARGETS SET BY LINFOX 4. Promoting successful strategies It is an organisations responsibility to inform all stakeholders on the environmental, social and financial performance in which can be done through triple bottom line reporting. Triple bottom line reporting is a popular form of rep orting for organisations as it outlines environmental, social and financial performance. It demonstrates the organisations commitment to corporate social responsibilities and communicates to stakeholders how the organisation is reducing its ecological footprint through their strategies.REFER TO ATTACHMENT 6 – TRIPLE BOTTOM LINE REPORTING – LINFOX In order for an organisation to promote the performance of the organisation, this may be conducted through the organisations public website, annual reports, annual general meeting outcomes, brochures or through representation on industry and environment consultation committees. REFER TO ATTACHMENT 7 – HOW LINFOX PROMOTE PERFORMANCE As the organisation makes progress within their environmental performance in becoming sustainable, it is important that stakeholders in which contributed to these achievement are rewarded in order to make them feel valued for their efforts.It is important to reward relevant stakeholders as th ey are the main reason in which the organisation have been successful in reaching efficiency targets and adopting to changes in becoming environmentally friendly. Methods in which can be used to reward important stakeholders are: – Through internal promotion: By promoting employees who contribute to implementing processes, seeking solutions, suggesting improvement and overall making the strategy work within the organisation, it ensures employees are recognised as a valued member of the organisation through changes implemented. Internal newsletter: an internal newsletter can be used in order to promote the success of the organisation when implementing the new strategy and can highlight teams and individuals in which have made important contributions to the organisations success in becoming environmentally sustainable.