Sunday, September 29, 2019

Scholarly Text Reflection

My scholarly text â€Å"How useful is plantations in learning anatomy' was written by a group of researchers. Some elements that helped me comprehend the text w as the vocabulary because it was anatomy terminology that is in my anatomy and physiology cal as. What also helped me was the texts formation because it was in order from the experiment .NET that was taken place. I was also familiar with the tables and charts in the article as well.Some key ideas from the text that I understood was the type of experiment the at was being made along with why and what it was for. Also knew what plantations was b cause of the surrounding vocabulary that helped me figure out what it meant, it means the hands on work with materials and cadavers. I believe that the plantations works well with lea ring anatomy or any subject with students learning about it. These contribute because it all reel dates back to anatomy and the human body and the subject of the article.One place that confused me or prov okes a question is the tables and charts. T here are some words and numbers on them that don't make sense because don't know w what they refer to. Although understand most of the table and its data, I don't fully get it. A s tragedy could use to address my confusion with is to reread the text that talks about the tables and charts, then go over the tables and charts again. If still can't figure out my confusion I would ask my teacher for help or from an expert.

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