Monday, September 30, 2019

Petroleum Engineering: Research Proposal Essay

Petroleum engineering is technical activities related to the hydrocarbon production – either crude oil or gas. The importance of petroleum engineering is swiftly increasing and researchers try to highlight peculiarities and innovations in their writings. Petroleum engineering is main substance discipline within the gas and oil industry which concentrates on maximizing economic recovery of hydrocarbons. Therefore, the intended audience will be researchers and scientists who are interested in promoting petroleum engineering which offers certain benefits, and common people who are interested in innovative technologies. As far as petroleum engineering is related to many scientific fields, I am sure that economists, engineers, geologists and drillers will find the material informative and valuable. The current research will be assessed through the methods of description, case study and desktop research. The main purpose of the study is to enlarge knowledge of petroleum engineering, its importance and benefits. The research will focus on defining of petroleum engineering, improvements in modeling and materials, application of petroleum engineering, probability analysis and new development of new technologies as, for example, enhanced oil recovery and horizontal drilling. The main goal of the research is to answer the question whether petroleum engineering is really worth of studying and researching. A literature search revealed a number of on-line articles and books on petroleum engineering and its application in modern world. Over two-thirds of these were prescriptive and written by practitioners, consultants and journalists. There is also a steady flow of research and ideas on how new developments in petroleum engineering challenge conventional techniques. The most valuable resources are â€Å"Petroleum Engineering† by Wyllie (the author offers information of the development of petroleum engineering, its peculiarities and innovations) and â€Å"Petroleum Production Systems† by Economides, & Hill (the authors offer extensive coverage of well deliverability from oil, gas and two-phase reservoirs).

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Scholarly Text Reflection

My scholarly text â€Å"How useful is plantations in learning anatomy' was written by a group of researchers. Some elements that helped me comprehend the text w as the vocabulary because it was anatomy terminology that is in my anatomy and physiology cal as. What also helped me was the texts formation because it was in order from the experiment .NET that was taken place. I was also familiar with the tables and charts in the article as well.Some key ideas from the text that I understood was the type of experiment the at was being made along with why and what it was for. Also knew what plantations was b cause of the surrounding vocabulary that helped me figure out what it meant, it means the hands on work with materials and cadavers. I believe that the plantations works well with lea ring anatomy or any subject with students learning about it. These contribute because it all reel dates back to anatomy and the human body and the subject of the article.One place that confused me or prov okes a question is the tables and charts. T here are some words and numbers on them that don't make sense because don't know w what they refer to. Although understand most of the table and its data, I don't fully get it. A s tragedy could use to address my confusion with is to reread the text that talks about the tables and charts, then go over the tables and charts again. If still can't figure out my confusion I would ask my teacher for help or from an expert.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Blue Ocean Strategy and the Indian Education System

Blue Ocean Strategy and the Indian Education System Indias present economic standing – both in its limited successes and its myriad failures – is to a large extent a reflection of its education system. We take pride in the success of a few individuals who pass out from the elitist institutions in the country. The million others who have succumbed to the mediocrity of the education system are lost in the crowd. If we look at some of the statistics, we see that: Although there is 90% enrolment at the primary level, even after 5 years of schooling , students fail basic reading, writing and arithmetic skills. The dropout rate till students reach high school is about 90% Of the total number of students who complete graduation or post graduation, the percentage of students who are employable is quite dismal. Stark statistics reveal the oversupply of raw graduates and the undersupply of employable graduates. If we look at flaws in the system, we can see that the main reason for these failures could be attributed to: Government Monopoly Politics and Bureaucracy The system has become ineffective, inefficient, and irrelevant. BLUE OCEAN OF EDUCATION: Thus if we look at it, the education sector in our country is currently in the red ocean category, with all institutions trying to fit in the same mould. In order to create an uncontested space of equal opportunity and holistic learning, some of the factors in the ERRC grid that can be included is as follows: Eliminate: Examinations: Examinations are just a means of passing to move on to the next level. The knowledge gained is not effectively measurable by the level of examinations conducted. Rote Learning: Students also have difficulty applying the knowledge for practical use because the emphasis is to encourage memory work and discourage creativity and innovation. Reduce: Lectures: The method of conducting lectures in most institutions seems to be pretty outdated with the lectures mostly being one sided. The number of students in most of the classes is too hu ge and this leads to the lectures being a monologue rather than a dialogue between the teacher and the student. The lecture method also assumes that all students come with the same level of knowledge and understanding about the subject and have equal interest to know more about the same Raise: Curriculum focussed attuned to students’ interests: The curriculum taught in schools should be more upto date and relevant to what the students would like to learn rather than what the faculty is comfortable teaching. There should be different modes of learning, different teaching tools and techniques used. The curriculum should be inclusive rather than exclusive. It should cater to students with different learning capabilities and should also address both academic as well as non-academic student interests. The focus should be on practical approach as much as giving importance to sound theoretical background of subjects. The curricula should be flexible and cut across disciplines with e mphasis on learning through collaboration. Problem Solving and Decision Making are key parameters that should be inculcated in the curricula as well. Industry Relevance of Courses offered:

Friday, September 27, 2019

Ayuba Suleiman Diallo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Ayuba Suleiman Diallo - Essay Example ebruary 1730, upon hearing that there was a ship docked at the Gambia River, Ayuba’s father sent him to sell two slaves to the captain of the ship, he was also to buy paper and other necessities.2 During the trade, Ayuba could agree on a price with the captain of the ship, Captain Pike. He instead decided to cross the river to the country of Mandingoes who were the enemy of the people of Futa and sold the slaves to another African trader who bought them for two cows.3 On his return home, a group of Mandingoes raider captured and enslaved him. The raiders shaved Ayuba’s head, a sign of indignity, so as to appear like the other slaves.4 After all this, they went ahead and sold him as a slave to the whites. Ironically, the buyer was Captain Pike, the same buyer that he had tried to negotiate a price with for the two slaves he had earlier been sent to sell by his father. After some period of trading at river Gambia, Captain Pike’s ship sailed, and in it was Ayuba Suleiman Diallo. According to Bluett’s memoir, the ship was heading to Maryland, a British colony on the North America. On board the ship, Ayuba found means to talk to the captain, he told him that he was the same man whom they had tried to negotiate a price for the two slaves some days back.5 Captain Pike, gave Ayuba a chance to send a message to his father explaining the situation and asking for help. This message could not reach his father before it was too late for they were close to docking at Maryland. Upon arrival, Ayuba and the other slaves were delivered to their new owner, Mr. Rachel Denton. During the journey to London, Ayuba was very devoted and consistent in prayers.6 He also learnt English. Upon arrival in England, he was offered a place to stay by Captain Hunt, who was his host. At this period, they had parted with Mr. Bluett, but when he, Ayuba, heard a rumor that Mr. Hunt was planning to sell him contacted Mr. Bluett and told him of the rumor. Mr. Bluett offered him refuge in

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Boundary Line Placement Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Boundary Line Placement - Assignment Example They purchased them and erected their structures. Each one of them tries to engulf their habitats and make their residential areas and environments as conducive as possible ( Adier 2001).. At that moment, there erupts a conflict on the line of separation between them calling for the need of the judiciary to intervene and save the innocent while prosecuting the guilty. The dispute came because of the railroads that Levy put to mark the boundary between him and the neighbors. He was oblivious of the exact location of the boundary but rather assumed that it was at a point within the vicinity of the cranberry garden that at first had bushes that dried. Marjory however believes that the cranberry garden marked the boundary between the families, as it was the common point shared by them (Adier 2000). Ms Tucker has also resided in there for a long time and the only transition that has taken place is that the plaintiffs were paved and this affected neither the location nor the size. The plaintiffs’ evidence is that apparently because of a dispute over whether the defendant’s tenant had farmed over the line and onto the plaintiffs’ lawn in an area north of the area in question, there was a falling out between the parties. As a result, the plaintiffs’ evidence is that in 2005, the defendant had the property surveyed and as a result, the surveyor put a stake in the pavement of the plaintiffs’ driveway( slossberg 2007). In deep consideration, the defendants never took part in any farming and they even do not reside within the area in question. I would therefore prefer to say that they be excluded from the case and the affected individuals to vindicate their truths. Again, they both seem innocent because they both purchased so it is the original owner who ought to have given them the true information; relating to the boundary ( Kiser 2011).. The boundary line between the two properties should follow the investigated and surveyed boundary line, which runs from

Experience of an International Student Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Experience of an International Student - Essay Example Older people are notably more well respected that the younger ones. Contradicting the opinions of older people is considered as a taboo in my native country. In other words, if your ideas tend to undermine the ideas of the person who is older than you are, you better keep your ideas to yourself if you don't want to offend the sensibilities of the older person. While growing up in Asian household, I deal with adult members of the family most of the time. My close associate with adults led me to become more humble and modest as our culture demands for it. Because of the strong influence of my elders in shaping my character, I tend to behave just as modestly as I would around older people when I am with my peers. Unfortunately, my modesty often leads my peers to underestimate me. This situation is really frustrating for me. While in America, I try to see things more differently. I want to broaden my horizon and embrace the freedom of expression. I am confident that having a broader pers pective of things will open up wider latitude for me to realize my dreams. Yes, I lot of people from my native land may not really understand my need to be free from the bounds of culture and practices but I feel that being able to express my true self is very important. I believe that creativity is one of the best ways to express ones uniqueness. Creativity has always fascinated me as one of the most important human characteristics. Unfortunately, I think creativity is at odds with modesty.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Enterprise Car Rental Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Enterprise Car Rental - Essay Example According to the paper, the company built the largest car rental brand in North America. The brand is widely known for low rates that are exceptionally as well as outstanding customer service. The brand has effective product and service offering methodologies in relation to marketing. Regarding the company’s management it has successfully showed tremendous leadership that has enhanced its operations worldwide. Motivation among employees in the company has been achieved thus promoting entrepreneurial spirit among them thus enhancing and encouraging high productivity. Enterprise Car Rental has established a consumer oriented strategy in relation to marketing that is of great importance to success. The company though has been opposed by stiff competitions from its main competitors. Enterprise not only sells services, it also brings an experience that is real in the market industry. A market Development Strategy has been followed by the company rigorously since it has put great ef fort to an existing product(car-rentals) regarding the new market. Earning of profits that are high in the market that is untapped has been enhanced by the effective strategy. A rapid growth has been depicted in the Enterprise recently. The opportunities in relation to particular segments of market are now realized by competitors. Therefore, they are putting great effort to enormously build up their strengths in those realized branches. New entrants have posed a significant competition in the same segment of market. Therefore, Enterprise is gradually becoming saturated in its Market Development Strategy thus becoming obsolete. There will be no development room in the market soon because of the stiff competition that is slowly lowering demand from its consumers. For the Enterprise to regain its stability in the market context, they should switch over to a more advanced Market Penetration strategy to attempt.  

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Contemporary business issueSub Prime letting050808 Essay

Contemporary business issueSub Prime letting050808 - Essay Example The Fed comes out with the monetary policy in order to ensure a certain key objectives like, delivering price stability with a low inflation level coupled with an objective to support the Government's economic objectives of growth and employment. To have a look on how the Fed monitors the price related regulations to keep a check on inflation, we can consider a small example of the regulation on house and property prices. To take any decisions related to interest rates keeping in mind the ongoing inflation rate, the Fed must be thorough with the booming property prices and must take steps to ensure that the prices are not artificial. Government intervenes through its central bank to regulate the prices of many commodities, similarly it also regulates the prices of houses like any other important commodity. Fed has the responsibility to keep a check on asset prices including the prices of houses. There can be a number of reasons why the prices of houses may shoot up, like the simple rule of demand and supply has a definite impact. (Demand and Supply for Housing). Other reasons behind a... (Demand and Supply for Housing).Other reasons behind a change in property prices can be Mortgages. A mortgage is the money borrowed to buy a house, as for most people buying a house is not easy. Over the years mortgage market has picked up greatly and the current scenario is totally different from the one that existed in the beginning. (The UK Housing Market - Factors Influencing the Housing Market: Mortgages) The central bank of any country has a monetary policy and it uses the same to regulate mechanism of the economy and deal with such erratic swings in the prices of property. Like when it decides to change the interest rate, the government is trying to check the overall expenditure of the economy. A change in interest rates is mostly used to contain inflation, which is the result of lavish expenditure by the country. The Bank sets a fixed interest rate at which it lends money to financial institutions and depending on this interest rate, individual banks and other financial institutions set up their own interest rates, which apply to the whole economy. This interest rate also regulated the savings in an economy, which eventually results in capital formation and reinvestment. It is notable that when interest rates are high, people prefer to invest money in government deposits that are less risky in nature than the stock markets and similarly high interest rates boost up the savings. Lo wer interest rates make asset and real estate prices go up, as people start ignoring conventional saving instruments and make use of the high growth ventures like shares and houses, which pushes up their prices and this is where the problem of easy availability of finance crops up.The sub prime crisis started with the sub prime

Monday, September 23, 2019

WORLDCOM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

WORLDCOM - Essay Example (1995), and MFS Communications Company (1996). WorldCom also acquired the mother company of Digex – the Intermedia Communications and sold all of its intermedia’s non-Digex assets to Allegiance Telecom. Until 2003, WorldCom was considered a telecom giant and second largest long distance provider in the U.S. A one-time high flyer like WorldCom should be held legally, ethically and socially responsible for having entered into a lot of business contracts with its customers and suppliers. WorldCom should be responsible for its intensive mergers and failure to use the public funds (coming from public shareholders) carefully. It remains questionable for a huge company that has been consistently greedy in entering into mergers with other similar companies to suddenly file a bankruptcy last July 2002. As of 2005, WorldCom is still facing some court trials regarding this matter. It is the legal responsibility of WorldCom’s employers to ensure that the company directors operate within the society’s accepted laws and regulations. It is their legal responsibility to register and communicate with the shareholders and ensure them that dividends are paid on time. Top management should also monitor on the company’s financial statement. WorldCom is facing huge financial and legal problems. The company is considered to have defrauded its investors by overstating the company’s earnings up to nearly $10 billion wherein the top management of the WorldCom also gain some profits from their own criminal acts. WorldCom has to be held responsible for taking investors’ money in excess of $176 billion and causing WorldCom’s employees, the state pension funds and shareholders through the lost of jobs, worthless stocks, and losses of 401 (k) savings. 2 The act of overstating of the company’s earning is clearly a criminal act and it is punishable by law. One way or another, someone has to be held responsible for such unprofessional

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Difficulties disabling growth of market oriented system in China Essay Example for Free

Difficulties disabling growth of market oriented system in China Essay Difficulties disabling growth of market oriented system in China Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The total achievements of the ongoing social economic reforms in china are very astounding, China from among the poorest nations up to 1976 when Mao Zedong died. Since then, the economy of china has grown rapidly to assume the second position of the biggest economy in the. The rapid growth of the china’s economy has brought sufficient resources to the government to further development and also has rescued million citizens from abject poverty. It is amazing to see the success and speed of the china miracle. The rapid development in china has attracted attentions worldwide in the recent years. The consequences of various aspects of the rise of china ,starting from its military muscles and expanding influence to its expanding energy supply demand, are be mostly debated within china and the international community. Thus it is crucial to correctly comprehend the achievement of china and its wide path toward higher development (Harry J Waters, 1997).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   China has continuously faced many challenges to accomplish its performance in developing as in other developed states. Since 2001, commercial banks have been poorly allocating its funds disorderly. This has been a severe problem in china. The Chinese banking system has been a problem on the way has allocated funds.. The private business has relied on the informal finance for a long time. This has affected the success of the private sector. This situation is caused not only by banking system but also is due to capital market. The banks could have solved this challenge if it had lent out loans to the private sectors enterprises with a reasonable interest rate. The lack of reliable corporate credit information made it difficult for commercial banks to assess the risk of lending the loans (Wang, 1990).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The china government improved the legal environment, which occurred remarkably. China made changes to this legal system in accordance with the country’s accession. Even though, the law was so good in the country did not mean that market system was in phase. In fact, the banking system was deteriorating on the way was performing their duties. The senior executive specified some issues basing his argument on banking sector such as absence of regulations and rules on credit registry, the underdeveloped businesses liquidation law, the inability in criminal investigation for financial theft and irregularities(Rotberg, 2008). The PBC senior executive also launched the study project with association of World Bank and other monetary financial institutions (Wang, 1990). The main task was to propose a series of reforms to attain a new framework on the market system. The private sectors concerning the law on the banking system proceeded to the court with an aim to get loans from commercial banks with reasonable interest rates (Wang, 1990). This did not even succeed as planned by the complaints.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Nowadays when the commercial banks require enforcing their bill of rights to the collateral, they face many challenges. This occurs when they try to register some projects system, which they have to intervene with the court. The banks lack motivation of reconciliation therefore has to intervene with the court. They usually face trouble enforcing court decisions due to local government interference (Rotberg, 2008).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   China has faced numerous challenges affecting the whole government and even the development of the country. In china, there has been fraud reports and corruption in banking sector. It is not of necessity whether financial frauds are on the increase or whether more crimes are reported and uncovered. There are three main challenges facing the banking system in China, which are high-technologically financial offences; the use of criminally obtained money to corrupt officials in order to run away punishment and to keep away from regulation, and funds crimes report with a more sophisticated means, global focus. The Chinese government is increasing institutional mechanisms for exposing and eradicating financial crime. This has been a prolonged challenge of fraud and corruption affecting the banking system in China (Wang, 1990).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Chinese commercial banks’ strength to vie with foreign banks was posed in the context of three areas. These areas are in the domestic financial markets, in the open and developed domestic markets for future, and in world markets. Therefore, this is not easy for foreign banks to enter into the Chinese market. Banks involve in local currency where its mission does not move forward. This is much more expensive than simply opening branches (Rotberg, 2008). This affected the market oriented system negatively.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   China indeed has achieved most of the objectives it set in has improved significantly the well being of the citizens although it’s economic development has often been uneven and narrow. The last twenty seven years of growth and reforms has presented to the world the size of its, labour force, purchasing, creativity, commitment to development and the level of national cohesion. The contribution of china to the whole world as a way of growth will be ground breaking after mobilization of all of its resources. China has struggled with economic development mostly because of its population since a small challenge in its social development or economic when spread over a vast population become a huge problem. The most important strategic choice the government of china has made was to accept the economic globalization instead of separating itself from it .during 1970s the great signs of economic globalization and technological revolu tion was unfolding with huge momentum when Beijing held the trend and overturned the practices of Cultural Revolution (Kiichiro Fakasaku et al , 1999).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Based on the judgment of the development, the president of china alongside other great leaders in the government chose to take up the historic chance and shift the focus of their undertakings on the domestic development and hence tapping in to the international ones .they enforced the system of household contracting in the rural areas hence opening up fourteen coastal cities thus bringing in the economic period take off. Once again, china invoked a strategic because of the financial crisis that was rampant in. Asia and the continued struggles against globalization the decision of china to take part in economic globalization that it was facing was a great challenge .by clearly considering the advantages and the disadvantages related to economic openness and getting lessons from the history, the leaders in china decided to expanded china even more by deepening home economic reforms and world trade organization   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The leadership of china has been striving to improve the relation with the whole world as their pursue their objective of rising in peace despite the downs and up the relationship of china and the united states for many years together with other dramatic alterations in the worldwide politics like the death of the soviet union. The leader in china has stuck to the fact that there are more good opportunities than problems for china in the international market today.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   With respect to the strategic plans of china, it will take 45 years from today before it can be termed a modernized, medium level grown country. China will encounter several challenges before it get to 2050 mostly because of it’s over population, environmental pollution and lack of coordination among the two key factors of economic and social development. Another great challenge chain must encounter is clearly shown in series of tension that the government officials must deal with. The most common one are the gross domestic product growth and also social progress, between increasing job opportunities and upgrading technology, also the leaders are not sure whether to foster urbanization or expanding agricultural areas and others .to be able to solve all these dilemmas successfully, several properly coordinated policies are required to foster development which is more balanced and faster.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   China is continuously losing its ample due to economic development and erosion that has swept the most top layer which is essential for crop production. The government of china is looking forward to add more energy creation capacity from other sources apart from oil and coal and is shifting their focus more on alternative energy development and nuclear sources. The major problem which are associated with setting up nuclear facilities and to maintain them .they are charged with the responsibility of putting heavy boundary the prevent radiation leakage which otherwise would cause terminal diseases such as cancer. Several other factors are converging to decelerate the growth and development .the debt overhang resulting from the stimulus program, slow recovery of the partners trading with china and industrial overcapacity. The economic growth in china has benefited eastern and the southern region more than the region. This has led north to inc reased disparity between south and north .the agricultural activity in has been left behind. Many farmers are struggling to make cater for their daily bread. Consequently this kind of imbalance has favored migration of workers to south china. It is struggling hard to fix this regional inequality (Shahid Yusuf, 2008). References Fukasaku, K., Mello, L. R., Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Decentralisation, Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations and Macroeceonomic Governance. (1999). Fiscal decentralisation in emerging economies: Governance issues. Paris: OECD. Waters, H. J. (1997). Chinas economic development strategies for the 21st century. Westport, Conn: Quorum Books. Yusuf, S., Saich, T. (2008). China urbanizes: Consequences, strategies, and policies. Washington, D.C: World Bank. Dorn, J. A., Wang, X., UniversiteÃŒ  de Fudan (Shanghai, Chine), Cato institute (Washington, D.C.). (1990). Economic reform in China: Problems and prospects. Chicago: University of Chicago press. Rotberg, R. I. (2008). China into Africa: Trade, aid, and influence. Washington, D.C: Brookings Institution Press. Source document

Friday, September 20, 2019

Recrystallising acetanilide

Recrystallising acetanilide The aim of this experiment is to establish the most suitable solvent required for recrystallising acetanilide, and to exhibit the methods of vacuum filtration and recrystallisation. Experimental Method (for selection of a suitable solvent): Four solvents: dichloromethane, methylated sprits, petroleum ether and water were tested to see how appropriate they were for recrystallising acetanilide. Impure acetanilide (0.1g) was inserted into a small test tube and whilst continually shaking the test the solvent was added drop by drop. After 1cm3 of the solvent was added!!!!? the mixture was then heated till it was boiling using the water for the organic solvents bath in the fume cupboard once approximately 1mL of solvent had been added. As the acetanilide was dissolved the test tube was cooled to see whether recrystallisation occurred. The same method was repeated out for all four solvents. Experimental Method (for recrystallisation of acetanilide): Impure Acetanilide (4g) was weighed out using a rough balance into a conical flask (250mL). A suitable amount of the solvent from the previous method [water (1mL)] was used to wet the crystals. The mixture was then boiled gently, and more solvent was added until all the sold had dissolved. Using the filter paper obtained from the pre-heated funnel the boiling solution was filtered. This was done into a pre-heated container so that rapid cooling as avoided. The flask containing the hot solvent was covered and allowed to cool slowly. When a noticeable amount of solid had formed and the solution had cooled considerably, the solution was placed in an ice-bath to speed up the process. The filter paper was wet with the solvent then using vacuum filtration the crystals were separated from the rest of the solution. Using cold solvent (5mL approximately) the crystals were washed. The crystals were kept on the Bà ¼chner funnel until they were almost dry. The damp material was transferred to a labelled watch glass and then this was positioned into a vacuum oven of a set temperature lower than the melting of the pure solid. The dry purified product was weighed and packaged into a labelled plastic bag. Why I chose water for the larger scale recrystallisation: This is because when cooling, water out of the four solvents dissolved completely and the most crystals were formed. Also water is the most suitable solvent because it has the best polarity. The covalent bonding between an oxygen atom and two atoms of hydrogen form a water molecule. Atoms share electrons between these covalent bonds. The sharing of these electrons is not equal in water as the hydrogen atoms have a weaker attraction to the electrons than the oxygen atoms. Hence the distribution of charge in water is asymmetrical. Molecules are known as polar when they have ends with positive and partially negative charges. The reason for why water is able to dissolve a number is substances, is due to this polarity that enables water to separate polar solute molecules. Waters polarity makes gives it the property of being a good solvent. Water molecules surround polar or ionic compounds that enter water. One molecule of solute can be surrounded by many water molecules as the size of water is relatively small. The positive dipoles are attracted to negatively charged components of the solute and vice versa for the negative dipoles. The hydrogen bonds in water are always being formed and broken hence liquid water has a partially ordered structure. The high cohesiveness of water is due to the strong hydrogen bonds and this also results in high surface tension. This is why water remains together as drops when on a non-soluble plane. Additional reasons for why water was the most suitable solvent: i. It was cheap to use water as the solvent ii. When the water was boiled at a temperature below the acetanilide melting point. iii. At room temperature the acetanilide appeared to have low solubility when it was in water. iv. The water was also not toxic or flammable. v. When the acetanilide was heated to boiling in water it seemed to have high solubility. The main points in the procedure where the sample is lost: There are a number of ways in which the sample can be lost throughout the experiment: One of the reasons is whilst carrying out the practical some of our sample was spilt accidently by one of our neighbouring colleagues so our yield was less that what would have been expected.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The sample may have been lost during the transfer stages i.e. when the sample was transferred to the conical flask some of the sample may have remained in the weighing boat as it is unlikely you can get a 100% transfer. Further sample could have been lost when it was transferred from the conical flask to the Bà ¼chner funnel when washing the conical flask using distilled water. Furthermore, sample could have been lost by the transfer of sample from the Bà ¼chner funnel to the watch glass. Also when the crystals were transported into the glass plate as part of the sample may have got trapped to the pot and remained in the vacuum. When we used the filter paper to filter the acetanilide crystals some of the residue maybe have remained on the filter paper resulting in less sample.  · Why low boiling point solvent such as diethyl ether (BP: 35à ¢Ã‚ Ã‚ °C) or dichloromethane (BP: 40à ¢Ã‚ Ã‚ °C) are general les suitable for recrystallisation than higher boiling point solvents, such as water or ethanol, irrespective of their polarity: One of the technicians had said in the practical that Dichloromethane has an occupation explosive limit (OEL)..!!!. Both diethyl ether and dichloromethane are the best solvents to consider as they are both flammable which is a safety hazard. Dichloromethane (DCM) is not as suitable because it evaporates more readily at room temperature (due to its low boiling point) which does not allow time for the crystals to dissolve. Also the impure compound would not have enough time to dissolve as well as the DCM would evaporate before hand.  · Why the solubility of paracetamol in water is several times higher than that of acetanilide by looking at the structures: Because the paracetamol contains an OH group hence it makes it more polar than acetanilide so it dissolves more readily in water which is also polar. Conclusion: In conclusion, water was found to be the most suitable solvent to dissolve acetanilide out of the four solvents in investigation. The yield of crystals formed is greater with a larger scale of production.