Thursday, August 27, 2020

John Fitzgerald Kennedy

John Fitzgerald Kennedy was one of the most powerful and darling President’s of United States history.â However, his demise is covered in mystery.â When everything is said and done, intrigue scholars have left for all intents and purposes no stone unturned trying to clarify the awfulness of November 22, 1963.â Clearly Lee Harvey Oswald was available and shot a gun.â But did his slug kill JFK? Did he act alone?â Many individuals have their own thoughts of what truly happened that day.One normal hypothesis is that the Cuban government requested a hit on the President.â The President had endeavored to attack Cuba, and however the arrangement fizzled, Castro realized that further plans were in the works.â Likewise, Kennedy had made a few fruitless endeavors on Castro’s life.â â Getting free of Kennedy would absolutely empower Castro to keep control of Cuba (Anders 1993).A comparable hypothesis is that enemy of Castro Cubans killed Kennedy.â Perhaps the y were trusting that if the doubt were centered around Castro, America would request retaliation.â Later, proof appeared to surface from a previous Castro employable that Oswald was really recruited by the Cuban government (Anders 1993, McAdams 2004).  With Oswald’s passing, the realities of these reports couldn't be confirmed, however Castro resolutely denies this report.Similarly, Russia, the US cold war adversary, was troubled by JFK’s youth and unpredictable nature.â He would be equipped for lifting the virus war to an all out World War III. With the presentation of atomic innovation, the dread of a US strike on Russia was additionally a concern.â Therefore, the Russians arranged the assassination.â In a related hypothesis, this request originated from Nikita Khrushchev himself (Anders 1993).Another well known hypothesis is that the mafia requested a hit on Kennedy.â Initially, some large name wrongdoing managers, for example, Sam Giancana worked wit h Jimmy Hoffa and the teamsters to get President Kennedy chose, especially through votes in Ohio ( Unfortunately, President Kennedy and his sibling Robert Kennedy, the US Attorney General, had later ventured up indictments of mafia individuals to an exceptional high (Odoni 2005; McAdams 2004) J. Edgar Hoover, who was not cordial with President Kennedy, was expected to be constrained into retirement from his situation of the Director of the FBI.Hoover had a background marked by fail to arraign mafia members.â His retirement would mean the finish of these favors, particularly if JFK designated his sibling Robert to that position. After Kennedy’s passing, Hoover stayed as the leader of the FBI for ten additional years. During that time, mafia indictments fell drastically. James Files, a mafia hit man, really admitted to the homicide, showing that Giancana had requested the hit.â Oswald’s executioner, Jack Ruby, was a little league criminal with a couple of significant mafia connections.â He could have murdered Oswald to quietness him (Odoni 2005).Two similarly contended hypotheses that are all the more disturbing are those that ensnare the United States itself.â Many speculate Vice-President Lyndon B. Johnson.â He picked up the Presidency after Kennedy’s passing, however he was not loved by people in general; Kennedy was wanting to drop Johnson from his ticket in 1964.â He was associated with four significant criminal examinations including pay off, illegal tax avoidance, contract infringement and misappropriation of assets, at the hour of Kennedy’s death.In actuality, Kennedy frequently whined that he had been controlled into designating Johnson by the FBI and that Johnson went about as a covert operative for J. Edgar Hoover.â After he became President, Johnson’s criminal examinations were dropped (Ayton no date). Another US based hypothesis is that the CIA itself had killed the President to conceal or divert cons ideration from its new act of killing remote leaders.â The Church Committee was shaped to investigate this conceivable outrage yet presumed that while the CIA was expanding in national and worldwide force, it was not liable for the demise of the President (Ayton no date).The Warren Commission heard declaration from 552 observers and 10 government organizations over the range of 10 months as it explored the death and all the related intrigue theories.â Published in October of 1964, it inferred that, essentially, Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone, shooting three projectiles from the 6th floor window of the Texas School Book Depository (McAdams 2004).The single shot that injured Connally and killed JFK hit him from behind as the motorcade passed by the Depository. In any case, the issue has not been laid to rest.â Four of the seven individuals from the investigatory group appeared to show doubt about the Commissions discoveries (McAdams 2004).â Several individual bits of the Commis sion's discoveries likewise have been raised doubt about since its completion.Kennedy was struck by two bullets.â One hit him in the back, and one hit him in the head.â The subsequent hit killed the President.â The single slug hypothesis was conceived in light of the fact that Oswald’s firearm would not have had the option to discharge sufficiently quick to hit both Kennedy and Connally with isolated shots (McAdams 2004).However, the possibility that a solitary projectile went through Kennedy’s back, left his throat, went through the seat of a vehicle, entered Connally’s back, left his chest, went through his wrist and entered his thigh has been genuinely addressed by proof from onlookers, including traveler Nellie Connally, and scientific proof (McAdams 2004) Now this hypothesis is known as the enchantment projectile theory.â The projectile which had such an inconceivable excursion wound up on an emergency clinic cot in close to perfect condition (McAda ms 2004).Medical assessments and missing x-beams and examination pictures additionally add to the mystery.â Kennedy was taken first to Dallas’ Parkland Hospital where 44 specialists and clinical staff members asserted that the leave twisted was at the rear of JFK’s head.â This would have been unthinkable if the shot originated from the Depository and lended itself to the verdant glade hypothesis (Odoni 2005).However, two specialists at Bethesda Medical Center, the second medical clinic Kennedy was taken to, announced that the exit would was at the front of the head (McAdams, 2004).â Why at that point did more than 44 specialists and clinical staff members guarantee that the injury was at the back of the head?â X-beams that a Parkland Hospital professional professes to have taken have never been found.â Pictures of the dissection that rose as long as four years after the death are dubious and don't coordinate records given by witnesses.All taking all things to gether, the Warren Commission appeared to overlook 44 specialists and 20 observers at the homicide scene.â Other proof was destroyed.â Governor Connally’s shirt from the day of the shooting was laundered at Johnson’s demand inside 24 hours (McAdams 2004).â The vehicle conveying the Kennedys and the Connallys was promptly cleaned and restored as opposed to being altogether analyzed for ballistic evidence.â This was additionally requested by Lyndon B. Johnson (McAdams 2004). Any criminological proof that may have been given by these things was lost.Nobody will ever truly recognize what happened that day in 1964.â However, it appears that the â€Å"facts† are obviously not what they appear and that the Warren Commission didn't dig into the errors tooâ deeply.â The speculations referenced here are for the most part practical hypotheses that were not analyzed intently, if by any stretch of the imagination, by the specialists. The possibility of a  "magic† slug is preposterous.â â It appears that something is being concealed. Be that as it may, what?ReferencesAnders, P. (1993). An Introduction to JFK Conspiracy Theories. Remain Free 4. Accessible from:  â â â â â â â â â â [accessed 10 August 2006]Ayton, M. (no date).â Questions of Conspiracy. Spartacus UK. Accessible from: [accessed 10 August 2006]McAdams, J. (2004). The Kennedy Assassination. Accessible from: [accessed 10 August 2006]Odoni, Martin. (2005). Who Killed JFK? Current Affairs. Accessible from:â  â â â â â â â â â ââ [accessed 10 August 2006]

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Issues of Occupational Therapy in Mental Health Therapy

Question: What is the potential for OT's working in the beginning periods of dementia? Answer: Presentation Dementia is a clinical issue which affects the scholarly motivation behind the mind thinking, distinguishing proof and choosing. This disorder is described by a decay or trouncing in memory and other subjective aptitudes (Parker and Parker, 2003). Regularly, people who are experiencing dementia by and large have memory misfortune and issue with different territories for example: Expression and composing conceivable Distinguishing natural situations Arranging and executing different errands Consumption must speak to a constant reject from a former predominant degree of working, and mindfulness ought not be clouded up (Maj and Sartorius, 2000). Memory misfortune is typically for most recent occasions, and proceeding with memory can be incredibly whole. Gentle intellectual hindrance (MCI) is a dispute in psychological capacity superior to acknowledged, taking connection of the subjects age and culture, which isn't paying with activities of ordinary living. This is every now and again clinically a pre-dementia situation. The discerning of this stuiy is to distinguish the potential for OT's working in the beginning period of dementia. Dementia likewise expect relations parental figures. Close around seventy-five percent of the dementia patients live in the focal point of the populace, and family guardians are mainly responsible for serving them to remain at home. Word related specialists are collective and fitness care proficients that encourage people to endure life their mode helping people to keep up their every single day activities and remain automatic for whatever length of time that reachable after they grow dementia (Patterson and Friedman, 2008). Dementia inconsistently plans alone, it plan with different and natural co-morbidities through which GPs are unimaginably conspicuous. Fundamental setting Stands up to working with people with dementia Dementia patients in treatment present stand up to in the favorable methodology due for the most part to the trademark psychological changes and memory misfortune associated with the illness (McNamara, 2011). There are three essential worries in the treatment setting include: The sum to which late learning is most likely to such an extent that ongoing procedures, compensatory or treatments arrangements, precisely those including social change to deliver useful to execution troubles, can be proficiently presented and effectively used. Instructions to effectively battle with dementia-related practices that can disturb or meddle gainful techniques and treatment objectives and Advances to productively include relatives in the gainful methods to misuse benefits for patients with dementia. The possibility of strong consideration is explicitly helpful in dementia, in that it give consideration on the necessity of supporting both the person with dementia and the relatives from the hour of finding. In term of moral qualities, this sort of steady consideration recognizes the estimation of the distinct individual who analysis with dementia. We additionally give extraordinary accentuation on two explicit focuses, which are most extreme noteworthy in dementia care. Right off the bat, we have a contention on the way toward doing the things, so the person, who analysis with dementia feel an esteemed individual. It is frequently more noteworthy than the particular structure or casing work of administrations. Next, we give colossal significance to the families and friendsat the hour of giving consideration the individuals with dementia. Ongoing learning Dementia is one of the basic disorder in the network which influences the wellbeing of the individuals to a great extent. Learning and memory are privately associated and difficult to make a qualification. Learning includes getting hold of ongoing information which changes the people groups colleague of execution. The Memory contains the protection of that information. Since, memory and learning both are related on one another, and further memory can't endure if information learning doesn't prevail to emerge. Memory injury impacts execution and ordinary execution possibilities, and in dementia, it impedes the ability to learn. Divert is generally thorough in momentary working memory and long haul working memory. In dementia, gaudy memory is the most fulfilling memory store, as a result of the more slow pace of exacerbating complexity to semantic and intermittent memory. It is a locale of the rationed intellectual capacity which helps learning and can continue psychotherapy objectives (Whalley and Breitner, 2009). Specialized memory-sourced preparing has the point of view of delivering productive belongings on utilitarian and social change with these occupants. By offering a strong ecological hint to provoke this recognition framework, recovery specialists are astute to help relearning of unmistakable, significant, specialized aptitudes basic for regular working. Late learning is benefited from when ecological signs are composed with the people groups phase of subjective working. Hence, perceiving a people psychological possibilities and constraints is fundamental to ensure secure practical execution (Tan, 2004). Conduct side effects Conduct side effects are moved to as the minor show of the malady methodology, are comparative in people with dementia and can occur all through the method of the infection. The majority of the people with dementia, least one or extra social indications through unsettled sort practices being the most particular. Social indications have an astute result on people with dementia and with their relatives. Arranging life quality, intensifying guardians burden and danger for the nursing home position, and mounting time spent in concern giving and prosperity concern costs (Whalley and Breitner, 2009). Word related treatment administrations In the focal point of the populace, specialists can help those with dementia to remain alive their people homes security for on condition that presumably through condition evaluation and change. Word related treatment impedances for those with dementia draw in a few advances depend on the word related treatment custom structure: the range of prominence and systems (Braveman, 2006). These methodologies contain: Wellbeing advancement the intensity of the customers are resolved and the worry suppliers are empowering fineness, in preferred activities specialists can extend their lives Remediation-the remediation of the intellectual capacities isn't ordinary, common aptitudes ought to be reestablished which may occur out of sight of dementia. Support Experts can pick what is working fine in the timetable of the individual with dementia, and offer continue to ensure that the people capacity are protected for as reached out as attainable. Adjustment this inclusion is potentially the most normally used for those with dementia. As it ensures, secure and accommodating environmental factors through change and reward. Reasons for Dementia Dementia can be the reason for different diverse mind issue. These involve: Alzheimer ailment Alzheimer malady is associated with the casualty of nerve cells inconsequential segment of the mind. Specialists have not yet decided mostly why and how Alzheimer illness grows, however they do be familiar with that the mind of the individual experiencing Alzheimer sickness extends dumps of a protein called beta amyloidal, and that people additionally extend jumbled a lot of protein strings inside the synapses normally perceived as neurofibrillary entwine (Jackson, 2007). Dementia with Lewy bodies-dementia with Lewy bodies is a figure of dementia starting points by not ordinary protein figure usually known as Lewy bodies shape inside the synapses. It occurs with a sign of Parkinson malady, for example, drowsiness, solidness and unbalanced. This jumble every now and again causes brilliant and long haul mental trips. Lewy bodies with dementia condition can likewise source individuals to accomplish something out their considerations. This can inception frightening to bed accomplices and every now and then roots to wounds which are bad for both wellbeing and brain. It is noteworthy to account this manifestation of dementia to a social insurance supplier as it is can be reparable with medication (McCormack, Jaffe and Goodman-Lavey, 2003). Vascular dementia-Individuals with vascular dementia have lost or harmed locales of the mind as of abbreviated blood stream. This can regularly occur when the veins present in the cerebrum get clogged with blood coagulate or oily stores. This appearance of dementia is increasingly natural amidst people who have had touch or are in danger for carers, especially those with set up raised circulatory strain and diabetes. It can occur altogether with Alzheimer sickness. Parkinson ailment dementia-dementia likewise happens thereafter in the course of Parkinson illness and has signs that are truly similar to dementia with Lewy bodies. Frontotemporal dementia-as like the Alzheimer illness, front worldly dementia happens nerve cell pounding in the cerebrum, however frontotemporal dementia targets to exact pieces of the mind, known as the frontal and fleeting projections. Frontotemporal dementia regularly emerges at a prior stage than Alzheimer ailment. Three structures are more typical than others: one reason character changes and unusual social conduct, one debilitate discourse and at last leaves the patient not ready to absolute; another reasons trouble in getting language (McNamara, 2011). Different reasons of Dementia can likewise be hamper by total harm to the cerebrum of an individual, which can occur in individuals with incessant liquor addiction or constant head wounds (e.g., among previous expert fighters or football players). Numerous people at further developed mature age (80 and huger) have more than single explanation of dementia, for example, Alzheimer infection and vascular dementia. Dementia manifestations Each type of dementia can c

Ethics, Abolition of Man Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Morals, Abolition of Man - Essay Example e identified with the conventional profound quality when in reality when new qualities are built up, the individual himself affecting such qualities is a result of the custom ethical quality from which he had been sustained. One at that point can't deny the relationship to one’s conventional qualities. This can be credited to the way that when one builds up values, there is just a single method of arrangement, that is being conventional or the built up one. Hence, complete dismissal of custom qualities is required for the new ones to be acknowledged, which can be viewed as an incredible test explicitly when esteems are additionally identified with the activities of the social environmental factors. One can't separate himself from his locale. So far as that is concerned, in the assurance of qualities and morals, the social cooperation is one of the significant variables (p. 27-30). The primary concern examined in the subsequent section is the genuine idea of qualities. It is a typical thought that qualities and morals can be identified with the activities and commitments of an individual to benefit the many. So far as that is concerned, carrying out something beneficial for instance can be seen as a demonstration that can profit a bigger segment of the populace. In times wherein there is strife between the benefit of the network and the benefit of an individual, the individual needs to forfeit himself. This can be by and large one of the utility of the individual in the network, to spare it or penance for it. Essentially, this is one of the ideas for which profound quality can be accomplished. This can be ascribed to the way that individuals normally look for self conservation. The conventional qualities at that point can be seen to have been set up based on the need of the individuals during the comparing time and became values through training and through the advancement of standards (p. 27-52). Lewis contends that utility however can't be a wellspring of moral commitment since the said ideas are particular. Utilitarianism is on self protection and review the occasions and components of the environmental factors as a device

Friday, August 21, 2020

Mertons theory

Mertons hypothesis Look into Mertons hypothesis and the naming hypothesis of aberrance. I. Presentation Your Essay Outline Expound on Compare and difference Mertons hypothesis and the naming hypothesis of aberrance in the primary sentence. Sum up Mertons Theory in the subsequent sentence. Sum up Labeling Theory of Deviance in the subsequent sentence. Sum up Comparions differentiate in the third sentence. Quickly sum up So to put it plainly, the two speculations attempt to clarify wrongdoing from a social point of view yet one clarifies why wrongdoing starts while the other one clarifies why wrongdoing proceeds. in the last sentence of the principal section. In second passage you have to develop Mertons Theory. Keep in touch with one sentence summing up Mertons Theory. At that point compose two sentences clarifying Mertons Theory. Make certain to back up your contention for Mertons Theory. In the last sentence change from Mertons Theory to Labeling Theory of Deviance In third section you have to develop Labeling Theory of Deviance. Keep in touch with one sentence summing up Labeling Theory of Deviance. At that point compose two sentences elucidating Labeling Theory of Deviance. Make certain to back up your contention for Labeling Theory of Deviance. In the last sentence change from Labeling Theory of Deviance to Comparions differentiate. In fourth section you have to develop Comparions differentiate. Keep in touch with one sentence summing up Comparions differentiate. At that point compose two sentences elucidating Comparions differentiate. Make certain to back up your contention for Comparions differentiate. In the last sentence change from Comparions complexity to your So to put it plainly, the two speculations attempt to clarify wrongdoing from a social point of view yet one clarifies why wrongdoing starts while the other one clarifies why wrongdoing proceeds.. In the fifth and last passage, sum up Mertons Theory once more. Sum up Labeling Theory of Deviance once more. Sum up Comparions differentiate once more. At that point compose two sentences expressing your So to put it plainly, the two hypotheses attempt to clarify wrongdoing from a social viewpoint yet one clarifies why wrongdoing starts while the other one clarifies why wrongdoing proceeds.. Framework and evaluate the structionalist subjects of wrongdoing and aberrance Basic hypotheses of aberrance are like Mertons hypothesis. They clarify the causes of aberrance as far as the situation of people or gatherings in the social structure. During the 1930s Robert k Merton composed an article entitled Social Structure and Anomie. It got one of the most persuasive clarifications of wrongdoing and aberrance. He offered a social instead of mental or natural clarification. Specifically, it was a structionalist hypothesis as it saw the structure of society molding people groups conduct. As indicated by Merton, American culture joins extraordinary significance to progress and achievement is estimated regarding cash and material belongings. There are standards which characterize genuine methods for making progress. These genuine methods incorporate picking up aptitudes and capabilities and professional success. The American dream expresses that anyone can make it to the top on the off chance that they make enough of an effort. So much accentuation is put on material achievement that numerous individuals experience strain to go amiss from acknowledged standards and qualities. Aberrance happens when they dismiss the objectives of accomplishment as well as the real methods for arriving at that objective. For instance, a few people are enticed to utilize nay methods for getting to the top-regardless of whether that includes criminal conduct. Merton alludes to this weight as a strain to anomie. Anomie implies normlessness it alludes to a circumstance where standards no lon ger guide conduct, where anything goes. Regardless of what the American dream says, not every person has an equivalent possibility at progress. The social structure forestalls equivalent chance. Specifically, the strain to anomie is most unequivocally felt by those at the base of the class structure. They are less inclined to procure abilities and capabilities expected to arrive at the top. Subsequently, they are bound to look for elective courses to progress. Merton distinguishes five potential adjustments or reactions to the strain to anomie in American culture, similarity, advancement, ceremony, retreatism, insubordination. Congruity as indicated by Merton, the vast majority adjust in spite of the strain to anomie. Regardless of whether they dont make it, they keep on taking a stab at progress and follow the standardizing methods for arriving. Advancement, individuals who embrace the freak adjustment acknowledge the objectives of progress yet, in Mertons words, they have little access to customary and genuine intends to getting fruitful. Subsequently, some develop they go to real methods, to wrongdoing. The strain to choose this adjustment is most noteworthy for those in the lower levels of the class framework. Formality, individuals who follow this freak course relinquish the objective of accomplishment, yet stick inflexibly to the principles for instance, individuals in impasse, office occupations that follow their sets of expectation s exactly. Retreatism, this freak adjustment includes a dismissal of both the objective of achievement and the regulating methods for accomplishing it. It applies to individuals who drop out-tramps, sedate addicts and routine lushes. Resistance, this includes a dismissal of ordinary objectives and implies and their supplanting with choices. The progressive who looks to change society outlines this kind of freak adjustment. Mertons strain hypothesis was an early endeavor to clarify wrongdoing and aberrance regarding society and structure of society. It gave a sociological option in contrast to natural and mental speculations. Specifically, it offered a clarification for common laborers wrongdoing. Whatever its shortcomings, Mertons work gave a prod to the advancement of further hypotheses of wrongdoing and abnormality. Mertons hypothesis raises various unanswered inquiries. In the first place, for what reason do individuals however not others receive degenerate adjustments? For instance, for what reason do a few people in the lower levels of the class framework go to wrongdoing however others don't? Besides, Mertons hypothesis centers around people as opposed to gatherings. Wrongdoing and aberrance are regularly aggregate exercises. By what method would this be able to be clarified as far as strain hypothesis? Thirdly, wrongdoing and aberrance are not constantly spurred by a longing for money related addition. In what manner can exercises, for example, vandalism and battling between rival groups be clarified as far as Mertons hypothesis? In look for these answers subculural hypothesis was shaped. Subcultural speculations clarify abnormality regarding the subculture of a social gathering. They contend that specific gatherings create standards and qualities which somewhat not the same as those held by different citizenry. For instance, a few gatherings of lawbreakers or delinquents may create standards that empower and reward crime. Different citizenry may view such exercises as unethical, and unequivocally oppose them. Subcultual hypotheses guarantee that aberrance is the consequence of people fitting in with the standards and estimations of the social gathering to which they have a place. Individuals from subcultures are not totally unique in relation to different citizenry: they may communicate in a similar language, wear comparable garments, and connect a similar incentive to family life. In any case, their subculture is adequately unique in relation to the way of life of society all in all to prompt them submitting acts that are for the most part viewed as freak. Regularly, auxiliary and sub social hypotheses are consolidated, as in Albert Cohens investigation of misconduct. The improvement of subcultures is clarified as far as the situation of gatherings and people in the social structure. Cohen was the primary humanist to build up a subcultual hypothesis of common laborers wrongdoing and aberrance. He analyzed reprobate packs in low-salary, downtown regions. Wrongdoing alludes to the crook and against social demonstrations of youngsters. Cohen concurred with Merton that the standard estimation of achievement makes issues for youthful common laborers guys. Many do severely at school and neglect to secure the abilities and capabilities required for progress. Utilizing Durkheims idea of anomie, Robert K Merton, an American humanist, built up his hypothesis of abnormality by breaking down the American prize framework. Mertons contention is that in an all around managed society, objectives and the methods for accomplishing these objectives are coordinated in that they are accessible to all in the public eye. In certain social orders the acknowledged methods for accomplishing these objectives are not accessible to all, consequently the individuals who wish to accomplish the objectives, yet can't do as such through authentic methods, must adjust to the circumstance. Merton introduced a typology portraying the methods of adjustment. The significant part of the typology is the connection between the social objectives and the systematized methods for accomplishing them. I will portray the typology in the accompanying passages. Howard S. Beckers naming hypothesis of abnormality states that aberrance and similarity result, less from what individuals do, yet from how others react to those activities. It investigations how definitions for freak conduct are made by social gatherings. Merton at that point sets out a typology of methods of adjustment as far as similarity, or non-congruity, to social objectives and systematized implies: 1. Development tolerating social objectives however utilizing ill-conceived implies, for instance, property burglary, swindles. 2. Formality adherence to implies while overlooking the objectives, for instance, bureaucratic adherence to routine making a halfhearted effort. 3. Retreatism withdrawal, quitting socially characterized alluring conduct, for instance, drunkards, addicts. 4. Defiance dismissal of objectives and means, however a positive endeavor to supplant them with elective qualities, for instance, political progressives, strict prophets. Mertons investigation proposes that degenerate conduct is useful. To begin with, for the people in question, since it empowers them to adjust to the conditions in which they get themselves. What's more, second, for society all in all since methods of individual adjustment help to keep up the limits among adequate and non-worthy for

Top Commentators Award For December 2010

Top Commentators Award For December 2010 Make Money Online Queries? Struggling To Get Traffic To Your Blog? Sign Up On (HBB) Forum Now!Top Commentators Award For December 2010Updated On 08/06/2018Author : Pradeep KumarTopic : EditorialShort URL : CONNECT WITH HBB ON SOCIAL MEDIA Follow @HellBoundBlogThe last Top Commentators Award Contest of the year 2010 came to an end. December 2010 was such a great month, we encountered several commentators across the Globe.December 2010 also turned out be a great month for us and we also improve the posting frequency to update you with useful information. We are also going strong with Guest Blogging.The Top Commentators of December 2010 are Usman Nasir and Jasmine. Usman Nasir had 55 comments and Jasmine 53 comments. Congrats for them, and I would like to thank other participants as well. ??Total Comments :#1 Usman Nasir 55 Comments#2 Jasmine 53 CommentsMy best wishes and congratulations to them and for all who participated eagerly. Kudos.Send your 125*125 ba nner asap (if you havent) to this email id : pradeep [at] hellboundbloggers [dot] comMUST READ : 1. Brand Your Comments To Drive Traffic To Your Blog2. HellBound Bloggers Comments Policy3. Ad Slots For Top CommentatorsIf you are going to participate in this months contest, then you can subscribe to HellBound Bloggers to get the articles as soon as possible.CHECK THIS : Ways For Respecting Your Beloved CommentatorsWhy dont you participate right now by commenting here? ??READHellBound Bloggers Reloaded!